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Lilly Pomar
Community Member

This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

kenreimers reply
The big scam: religion
A tax-free industry gets people to believe that happiness, health and economic prosperity truly depends on the frequency of attendance and the extent of donations ,
The Catholic Church used fear and indulgences to extrude wealth from hapless participants.
Modern religion uses HOPE as the way to bleed congregations and keep any abbherant thinking in check.
Gotta accrue those golden nails for your heavenly ✨️ mansion.

SyCoCyS reply
Software as a Service models. No one needs or wants their software to update and change formats every few months. We all just want a stable software that we can learn to use for a few years before a major performance upgrade. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t still be using Microsoft Word Millennium edition.

weird-oh reply
Like cats. No less a luminary than Mark Twain said "When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction." So there.

lurgi reply
I saw a picture of a well-toned gym-babe with the comment "Men who like this are gay".
Liking women is, apparently, gay.

noeinan reply
Let a woman be on top during [intercourse]. Apparently, that is gay. A man having [intercourse] with a woman. Gay. 🙄.

Dobgirl reply
Was 20F Raised in a very rural area. Had to fly to ATL for an internship interview. I had been on a plane before (this is 2000 btw) but not by myself and I had never navigated a large airport or city by myself. Knew I needed a taxi to get to hotel. Was met by a taxi driver IN THE AIRPORT who asked if I need a ride. What luck! On the way out the door saw that signs that taxi drivers must wait in a queue for customers. No I didn’t turn around, I was naive and he had my luggage. Luckily there was a cab. He took me to my hotel but it was a long ride and he asked inappropriate questions. I played dumb about what his meaning.
He got out of the cab at the hotel and followed me in!! Leaned across the desk where the clerk recognized the situation immediately and told him to leave.
This was my first contact with that jewel of a human- the middle age or elderly Black lady who takes care of strangers as if they were family. After he left she assured me they wouldn’t let him in. He did call and ask for my room which they refused.
Amazing hotel clerk who identified the problem right away. .

OyenArdv reply
It’s weird I’m seeing this post right now because I’ve been getting that exact terrifying feeling about America. I don’t know why but my instincts have been telling me for weeks to get my passport ready.

billys_pan_pizza reply
I'm gonna say Oprah, she's 100 % unscathed.
Belongs on the mount Rushmore of quack peddlers with Joe Rogan and Gwyneth Paltrow.

theonlybabyraper reply
Cooking beans in a pressure cooker in 20-30 minutes feels like hard-core cheating to me, in reality tons of people do it every day in India and south/central america.

cprenaissanceman reply
Just want to remind folks: if it does what need, it’s not cheating. You simply cannot make everything yourself and using modern appliances are good actually. Just because it’s not traditional doesn’t mean you should feel guilty about cooking that way.

karateknecht reply
(Not sure if it qualifies as a method but) using MSG to season savoury dishes. I do it all the time and still feel weird telling people when they compliment my food and ask me about the ingredients I used. Nobody cares about salt, but glutamate is expected to only be added by using foods where it's found naturally.

SmokeMoreWorryLess reply
Peace of mind. I’m autistic and the constant sound of a child screeching, babbling, crying, etc etc etc. would be enough to give me a permanent meltdown. That’s before even factoring in all the hitting, biting, and s******g they do. No f*****g thank you to any of that.

matroeskas reply
When I (F, late thirties) first met my SIL's new boyfriend, he asked what I was doing for a living (I work in academia). He then proceeded to explain my own PhD thesis to me, you know, the one I have written and defended years ago, and the one he hadn't even heard of before we were introduced... 🤦
Also, I am assistant professor now and whenever I show up for class with my teaching assistant (M, early twenties) for the first time, people often automatically assume he is the Dr. in the room. When I mentioned this on one of the academic subs around here, the most upvoted comment was (I wish I was kidding): "What were you wearing?" 🤦🤦

JessTheTwilek reply
I had a man mansplain mansplaining 😂 Apparently, it’s when a man wins an argument and a woman doesn’t have anything else to say to win, so they accuse him of mansplaining.

SyCoCyS reply
Software as a Service models. No one needs or wants their software to update and change formats every few months. We all just want a stable software that we can learn to use for a few years before a major performance upgrade. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t still be using Microsoft Word Millennium edition.

kenreimers reply
The big scam: religion
A tax-free industry gets people to believe that happiness, health and economic prosperity truly depends on the frequency of attendance and the extent of donations ,
The Catholic Church used fear and indulgences to extrude wealth from hapless participants.
Modern religion uses HOPE as the way to bleed congregations and keep any abbherant thinking in check.
Gotta accrue those golden nails for your heavenly ✨️ mansion.

noeinan reply
Let a woman be on top during [intercourse]. Apparently, that is gay. A man having [intercourse] with a woman. Gay. 🙄.

lurgi reply
I saw a picture of a well-toned gym-babe with the comment "Men who like this are gay".
Liking women is, apparently, gay.

weird-oh reply
Like cats. No less a luminary than Mark Twain said "When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction." So there.

Dobgirl reply
Was 20F Raised in a very rural area. Had to fly to ATL for an internship interview. I had been on a plane before (this is 2000 btw) but not by myself and I had never navigated a large airport or city by myself. Knew I needed a taxi to get to hotel. Was met by a taxi driver IN THE AIRPORT who asked if I need a ride. What luck! On the way out the door saw that signs that taxi drivers must wait in a queue for customers. No I didn’t turn around, I was naive and he had my luggage. Luckily there was a cab. He took me to my hotel but it was a long ride and he asked inappropriate questions. I played dumb about what his meaning.
He got out of the cab at the hotel and followed me in!! Leaned across the desk where the clerk recognized the situation immediately and told him to leave.
This was my first contact with that jewel of a human- the middle age or elderly Black lady who takes care of strangers as if they were family. After he left she assured me they wouldn’t let him in. He did call and ask for my room which they refused.
Amazing hotel clerk who identified the problem right away. .