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Leigh Jones
Community Member
8 posts
268 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Leigh Jones • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Leigh Jones • commented on 26 posts 1 year ago
Show All 26 Comments
Leigh Jones • upvoted 11 items 1 year ago
I drew on my converse to show that I was artistic and quirky I also stood pigeon toed so that you could recognize I wasn't like other girls heheWomen-Share-Manic-Pixie-Dream-Girl-Things
I drew on my converse to show that I was artistic and quirky I also stood pigeon toed so that you could recognize I wasn't like other girls hehedrizztluvr reply
CPS Investigators. Allow me to lay the rumors to bed. First, CPS does not *steal* or *kidnap* children. If you were unfortunate enough to have your child removed from your care, take responsibility for your own f**k ups and self reflect. Rest assured, the CPS worker did not *want* to remove your child, so if yours got removed, you gave them no other option. second, CPS does not get a bonus for every child they bring in to custody (and they don't get extra for removing children of color). Believe me, they do not get paid enough to do their job as it is, let alone any bonuses. And where would this money come from? The government barely has the funding to pay/reimburse foster parents for taking in kids. Hell, the whole child welfare system as a whole barely has the funding across the board to care for these kids. Where are bonuses supposed to come from? Third, there are no "quotas" on how many kids are removed. No nationwide adoption conspiracy to take children from their homes. Seriously, no social worker/CPS investigator goes into their work each day wanting to take kids from their homes. None. No power trips (cause that power isn't even in their hands, it's up to a dam judge). Nothing. It's a sad day for everybody when this happens. Sad for the families, sad for the kids, and sad for social worker too.Show All 11 Upvotes
Leigh Jones • submitted 3 new posts 1 year ago
Leigh Jones • submitted 4 new posts 2 years ago
Leigh Jones • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Leigh Jones • submitted 15 list additions 1 year ago
Leigh Jones • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
Leigh Jones • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Leigh Jones • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
I drew on my converse to show that I was artistic and quirky I also stood pigeon toed so that you could recognize I wasn't like other girls hehedrizztluvr reply
CPS Investigators. Allow me to lay the rumors to bed. First, CPS does not *steal* or *kidnap* children. If you were unfortunate enough to have your child removed from your care, take responsibility for your own f**k ups and self reflect. Rest assured, the CPS worker did not *want* to remove your child, so if yours got removed, you gave them no other option. second, CPS does not get a bonus for every child they bring in to custody (and they don't get extra for removing children of color). Believe me, they do not get paid enough to do their job as it is, let alone any bonuses. And where would this money come from? The government barely has the funding to pay/reimburse foster parents for taking in kids. Hell, the whole child welfare system as a whole barely has the funding across the board to care for these kids. Where are bonuses supposed to come from? Third, there are no "quotas" on how many kids are removed. No nationwide adoption conspiracy to take children from their homes. Seriously, no social worker/CPS investigator goes into their work each day wanting to take kids from their homes. None. No power trips (cause that power isn't even in their hands, it's up to a dam judge). Nothing. It's a sad day for everybody when this happens. Sad for the families, sad for the kids, and sad for social worker too.Hey Pandas, In Honor Of Women's History Month, Who Is Your Favorite Woman From History?
Hedy Lamarr. Her frequency hopping was pivotal during WWII, and we use it now every day.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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