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3 posts
56 points
I love drawing Dragons

Dragon_Fruit • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
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Dragon_Fruit • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, If You Love Art And Draw Pictures, What Do You Like To Draw?
In my 20s, I was a part of the furry community and I drew a lot of anthropomorphic animals. Contrary to the belief of nearly everyone on the planet, not all furries into the gross, rated-R aspects of being a furry. I myself wasn't into that aspect (I just hate being human), so all of my furry art was rated PG ;) I also draw regular animals a lot, and fantasy critters like dragons and mythological beasts. I also draw a lot of the characters and species I made up, all of which will "someday" be part of a story or novel I write... hopefully I'll get one done someday ;p I like to sketch in pencil first, and then ink with Sharpies and Microns, and then color with Prismacolor and Copic markers. Here's some of my work: https://imgur.com/a/yM5hTyt (the yellow and black wolf is me/my character, Lakota)
Hey Pandas, If You Love Art And Draw Pictures, What Do You Like To Draw?
I usually draw comics. The art style does look very simply but it’s time consuming to get just one panel to look right which is why I make them once or maybe twice a week.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Thing You Collect?
Cats - not live ones although I've had as many as 5 of those, but cat shaped things. Cat earrings, cat potholders, cat cutting boards, glass and ceramic cats, cat ornaments hanging on branches in a vase, a cat clock, a cat shaped birdhouse, a cat shaped teapot, tea towels with cats on them, cloth cats
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weirdest Thing You Collect?
I just have to add this here: “I collect spores, molds and fungus.”
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Halloween Candy?
I really like Heath bars but almost NO ONE passes them out!
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Halloween Candy?
I really like any kind of gummies, and I LOVE Kit Kats! However, I don't like candy corn all that much . . . Hope everyone has a happy Halloween!Show All 21 Upvotes

Dragon_Fruit • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
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Dragon_Fruit • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago

Dragon_Fruit • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago

Dragon_Fruit • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago

Dragon_Fruit • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago

Dragon_Fruit • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, If You Love Art And Draw Pictures, What Do You Like To Draw?
In my 20s, I was a part of the furry community and I drew a lot of anthropomorphic animals. Contrary to the belief of nearly everyone on the planet, not all furries into the gross, rated-R aspects of being a furry. I myself wasn't into that aspect (I just hate being human), so all of my furry art was rated PG ;) I also draw regular animals a lot, and fantasy critters like dragons and mythological beasts. I also draw a lot of the characters and species I made up, all of which will "someday" be part of a story or novel I write... hopefully I'll get one done someday ;p I like to sketch in pencil first, and then ink with Sharpies and Microns, and then color with Prismacolor and Copic markers. Here's some of my work: https://imgur.com/a/yM5hTyt (the yellow and black wolf is me/my character, Lakota)
Hey Pandas, If You Love Art And Draw Pictures, What Do You Like To Draw?
I usually draw comics. The art style does look very simply but it’s time consuming to get just one panel to look right which is why I make them once or maybe twice a week.
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Halloween Candy?
I really like Heath bars but almost NO ONE passes them out!
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Halloween Candy?
I love Reese's and smarties! Candy corn is really yummy too. Happy Halloween 🎃🎃This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Dragon_Fruit • 1 follower