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2 posts
74 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Dog_Frog • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
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Dog_Frog • upvoted 3 items 8 months ago
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Dog_Frog • upvoted an item 9 months ago

Dog_Frog • upvoted 33 items 10 months ago

Velora56 reply
There is a tiny little island in the Arctic called "Hans" island. It has been disputed Territory between Canada and Denmark. Denmark would plant its flag, and leave a bottle of schnapps. Eventually the Canadian ship would arrive remove the Danish flag and take the schnapps. They would then raise the Canadian flag on the island and leave a bottle of Canadian club. This has been going on since the 1980s and was finally resolved in 2022 when they decided to share the island. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how war should be fought.
Goat-Hammer reply
They found a giant ocean of water floating in space thats supposed to be something like 140,000 times the size of our solar system. Space sharks might actually exist.
PCoda reply
For my fellow 90s kids who heard a lot about this growing up - the hole in the ozone over antarctica is basically fixed! Turns out we do have the power to make positive environmental changes if we work together as a global community.
Rankorking reply
Cows have accents depending on where they’re born and they also have best friends and get depressed when separated.
Immediate_Revenue_90 reply
Not me but my friend’s parents didn’t allow Adidas because they were told it stands for “all day I dream about sex”.Show All 33 Upvotes

Dog_Frog • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago

Dog_Frog • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Dog_Frog • commented on 3 posts 10 months ago

Dog_Frog • commented on a post 11 months ago

Dog_Frog • commented on 16 posts 1 year ago

Dog_Frog • upvoted 6 items 6 months ago

Dog_Frog • upvoted 14 items 10 months ago

Goat-Hammer reply
They found a giant ocean of water floating in space thats supposed to be something like 140,000 times the size of our solar system. Space sharks might actually exist.
Rankorking reply
Cows have accents depending on where they’re born and they also have best friends and get depressed when separated.
PCoda reply
For my fellow 90s kids who heard a lot about this growing up - the hole in the ozone over antarctica is basically fixed! Turns out we do have the power to make positive environmental changes if we work together as a global community.
Velora56 reply
There is a tiny little island in the Arctic called "Hans" island. It has been disputed Territory between Canada and Denmark. Denmark would plant its flag, and leave a bottle of schnapps. Eventually the Canadian ship would arrive remove the Danish flag and take the schnapps. They would then raise the Canadian flag on the island and leave a bottle of Canadian club. This has been going on since the 1980s and was finally resolved in 2022 when they decided to share the island. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how war should be fought.
Dog_Frog • is following 20 people