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Living the good life in the southern United States. Essential worker in a hospital pharmacy. Cat lover owned by two sisters.
50 Times People Saw Something ‘Mildly Interesting’ And Knew The Best Group To Share It In (New Pics)
anon reply
The fact people had to be told to wash their hands during COVID. Why are you not washing your hands in the first place?
Nitro1966 reply
I had to tell my ALL of my extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles,cousins, my own children) that they needed to get to the hospital because I was going to have my mother removed from life support.
Mom made me agree, as soon as I was old enough to understand, that I wouldn't allow her to be placed on life support of any kind. She was a nurse, and she had strong feelings about prolonging suffering.
The religious hospital she was in after gallbladder surgery had placed her on life support in the night even though they absolutely had her advanced directive on file.
My family just didn't understand that she was very clear on this. A few of them were quite upset with me but I promised her.
It's been 24 years, and I still wonder, "What if?" but I am comforted that I did what she wanted.