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Aelin Wildfire
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
txmade41 reply
He cheated on his fiancé. I told her what was going on. He never figured out how she found out. I cut him off. I figured if he can f**k over his fiancé, someone he’s supposed to love, what is keeping him from doing the same to me.
We have a family gathering in early December where we have to do Secret Santa for no more than a Fiver and must be bought from a Charity Shop. Hats off to the local British Heart Foundation shop who had an unopened Santa that blows bubbles out of it's backside for £4.50. Absolute winner!
Every Christmas, I Photoshop My Cousin Rob As A Gag Gift. I Don't Think I Will Be Able To Outdo Myself Anymore
We have a family gathering in early December where we have to do Secret Santa for no more than a Fiver and must be bought from a Charity Shop. Hats off to the local British Heart Foundation shop who had an unopened Santa that blows bubbles out of it's backside for £4.50. Absolute winner!