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BeepBoop is Lonely (she/they)
Community Member
I'm that single broken Pringle at the bottom of the container. If you'll get your arm stuck for me I'll be your friend if you promise not to eat me.
BP is just becoming reddit now. I'll be taking a break. Still love y'all tho
I'm currently experimenting with pronouns! She/her doesn't feel perfect but it's definitely not he/him so I'm going by she/they for now!
<33How's life going?: I just got out of a relationship because he was obsessive and jealous of my best friend so now he hates both of us and we can go do stuff without me having to worry what he'll say. Love you bestie.
I also have depression and worsening anxiety that's also turning into social anxiety! I also also have epilepsy which isn't any fun, especially when people make fun of me for it <333
Some useful information: (I used to remove the background of my selfie, then used Google docs to overlay it and screenshot it) but shhhh it's a secret
I hope you have a good day <3