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- K i l l j o y -
Community Member
2 posts
517 points
Heya, I'm a student using BoredPanda to do something other than sit in front of my TV all day :)
- K i l l j o y - • upvoted 38 items 2 years ago
alicat707 reply
Not me but I was working with him at the time. This kid around 15 years old came in, late, maybe around 11pm. He was trying to buy condoms. The guy who was traing me took the condoms and said get outta here, you shouldn't be doing that! The kid was embarrassed and left. I told the guy, you probably just caused a teenage pregnancy, that boy was doing the right thing and you embarrassed him. I still cant stand that guy.Show All 38 Upvotes
- K i l l j o y - • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
- K i l l j o y - • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
- K i l l j o y - • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
- K i l l j o y - • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
- K i l l j o y - • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
- K i l l j o y - • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
alicat707 reply
Not me but I was working with him at the time. This kid around 15 years old came in, late, maybe around 11pm. He was trying to buy condoms. The guy who was traing me took the condoms and said get outta here, you shouldn't be doing that! The kid was embarrassed and left. I told the guy, you probably just caused a teenage pregnancy, that boy was doing the right thing and you embarrassed him. I still cant stand that guy.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
- K i l l j o y - • 68 followers