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Kelly H. Wilder
Community Member
Hi! Thanks for checking out my bio. I am never really sure about what to put down on these things, but here are the basics about me:
--I am the mother to an amazing young man with multiple special needs.
--I greatly enjoy writing. I find it to be tremendously cathartic as well as mentally and emotionally reinvigorating.
--I also deeply enjoy reading. Solzhenitsyn is probably my favorite author; Tolkien, Lewis, Pascal, Lowry, Hurnard, and Kingsolver round out my top seven (in no particular order). I am not genre-restricted, except for horror. I am too weak for scary stuff. 🤷🏻♀️
--I am fascinated by cross-cultural studies. Learning about others and how they perceive the world is my favorite activity. I believe that only by sharing our experiences and ways we understand them do we truly participate in what sets humans apart from other animals.
--I believe there is still good in our broken world. I do not deny the power of evil. However, the existence of evil does not mean the eradication of good. This is true collectively and individually.
Those are the basics about me. Thank you for reading to the end. If you have any questions or just need someone to talk to, please reach out. 🤗