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who am I? (oh, to be young and be able to describe oneself with a single label)
I am a middle aged anarcho- socialist punk/goth,pagan,feminist,asexual,otaku shut in....
yep thats about it!
Hey Pandas, Anyone Else Annoyed?
I think I am mainly sad because usability is decreasing. I'm certainly not visiting the site as much as I used to. Also anyone else have that thing where you open up a story and then suddenly it changes to another one?
Hey Pandas, Anyone Else Annoyed?
I think I am mainly sad because usability is decreasing. I'm certainly not visiting the site as much as I used to. Also anyone else have that thing where you open up a story and then suddenly it changes to another one?
Hey Pandas, Anyone Else Annoyed?
Since BP needs to make money off of its content, maybe it's time to start paying contributors for theirs. After all, BP would not have anything to monetize without the contributors.
Hey Pandas, What Is An Animated Show That Deserves More Attention?
Adventure time and Steven Universe. Such cool shows!!
Hey Pandas, Am I Wanted, Or Just A Waste Of Air?
While you may be feeling a bit hopeless at the moment, please don't despair. You're likely far more important to your friends, family, and community than you realize right now. Your future could also turn out to be amazing, no one knows yet! Try not to worry so much, and make a point of doing something kind for yourself and someone else each day.