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who am I? (oh, to be young and be able to describe oneself with a single label)
I am a middle aged anarcho- socialist punk/goth,pagan,feminist,asexual,otaku shut in....
yep thats about it!

PickyPuckle reply
There is a Potato Chip company here in New Zealand called Bluebird. There was a superior chip company called Krispa that did the best Salt & Vinegar as well as Chicken flavoured chips.
Krispa were god tier. Like, Bluebird couldn't even compete. Kripsa was in every kids lunch box, at every BBQ etc. Bluebird was the crude, yet overpriced, alternative that people would get if Krispa wasn't available (I'm sure there are Bluebird fanbois who disagree with me, but their opinions are wrong).
In 2005, Bluebird made the bold move of buying out Krispa from their parent company. And what did they do? THEY JUST SHUT THEM DOWN. No replacements, no rebranding under the Bluebird wing, they just bought the competition and closed them down.
For 20 years, I have never bought a Bluebird product just in spite. F**k you, Bluebird.

Hey Pandas, What's Your Experience With Lgbtq+/Coming Out?
"Guys I'm gay"
"Yeah no shìt"
And that's how it went with everyone lol

Hey Pandas, What's Your Experience With Lgbtq+/Coming Out?
"Guys I'm gay"
"Yeah no shìt"
And that's how it went with everyone lol

Best Anime?
1: Ghost in the shell: stand alone complex
2: Ergo Proxy
3: Nana....( best slice of life drama.... fücking gorgeous!)
5: Overlord
6: That time I was reincarnated as a slime.
7: The ancient magus bride
8: Log horizon
9: Ghost Hound: unseen world
10:Violet Evergarden
Well, that's sort of a top ten, off the top of my head.
And movies: Kiki's Delivery service, Garden of words, Wolf Children, Summer wars, Akira, Spirited away, Your Name, Grave of the fireflies, Ponyo, Wicked City, When Marnie was there, Up on poppy hill, 5 centimetres a second..... yeah, could just keep going but won't!!

PickyPuckle reply
There is a Potato Chip company here in New Zealand called Bluebird. There was a superior chip company called Krispa that did the best Salt & Vinegar as well as Chicken flavoured chips.
Krispa were god tier. Like, Bluebird couldn't even compete. Kripsa was in every kids lunch box, at every BBQ etc. Bluebird was the crude, yet overpriced, alternative that people would get if Krispa wasn't available (I'm sure there are Bluebird fanbois who disagree with me, but their opinions are wrong).
In 2005, Bluebird made the bold move of buying out Krispa from their parent company. And what did they do? THEY JUST SHUT THEM DOWN. No replacements, no rebranding under the Bluebird wing, they just bought the competition and closed them down.
For 20 years, I have never bought a Bluebird product just in spite. F**k you, Bluebird.