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Everest the bookworm
Community Member
4 posts
987 points
hello, i'm Everest! (not my real name) I am an omnisexual b***h that loves animals, I am introverted and I love books. goodbye now I need to go out to get my milk. hello everyone i am chatband from commenting on posts i am sorry but it was worth it for that homophobic bastard.
Everest the bookworm • upvoted 16 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Are The Hardest Parts Of Being LGBTQ+?
1.having omniphobia even in LGBTQ my sexuality IS real and it does NOT invalidate any other sexualities! 2 people acting differently to me once they learn I'm apart of the lgbtqia+ community.Hey Pandas, What Are The Hardest Parts Of Being LGBTQ+?
For my personal journey it was thinking I was broken. Once I knew the terms that fit me, it was this strange mix of... Overly supportive, but incorrect. Oh demi sexual isn't a thing, so "you must secretly be gay, you can tell us, we love you!" Due to medical stuff I don't have boobs (cisf) and it's very obvious when I dress tomboyish but colorful, someone goes, "excuse me," long pause and stare directly at no-boobs, "sir." Someone grins and talks about how he's progressive for people like me, calling me he, while I cringe bc it feels dumb to have any opinions when people are literally being murdered for what I'm getting. Tldr I don't have it hard and it still sucks somehow lol.Show All 16 Upvotes
Everest the bookworm • commented on 22 posts 1 year ago
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Everest the bookworm • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Everest the bookworm • submitted 4 new posts 1 year ago
Everest the bookworm • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Everest the bookworm • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Everest the bookworm • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Are The Hardest Parts Of Being LGBTQ+?
For my personal journey it was thinking I was broken. Once I knew the terms that fit me, it was this strange mix of... Overly supportive, but incorrect. Oh demi sexual isn't a thing, so "you must secretly be gay, you can tell us, we love you!" Due to medical stuff I don't have boobs (cisf) and it's very obvious when I dress tomboyish but colorful, someone goes, "excuse me," long pause and stare directly at no-boobs, "sir." Someone grins and talks about how he's progressive for people like me, calling me he, while I cringe bc it feels dumb to have any opinions when people are literally being murdered for what I'm getting. Tldr I don't have it hard and it still sucks somehow lol. Everest the bookworm • 11 followers