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4 posts
29 points
um i have no idea about what to write about so yeah
ps i'm just trying to take off "this lazy panda forgot to write something'' I'M NOT LAZY!!!!!!

KAt • upvoted 22 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Drama Did You Get Into?
Mother-in-law drama. Do not recommend. In a nutshell, it was years and years of snide comments and criticisms and other "mean girl" things whenever my husband was out of earshot. She played one role in front of him, and a completely different one behind his back, so he often thought I misunderstood what she was saying or I was being overly sensitive. Well, when I was pregnant with our son, she dropped the facade and he finally saw her true colours. There was a huge blow-up a few weeks after our son was born, and neither my husband nor I have spoken with his mother (or father, for that matter) since. Our son will be 5 in a few months.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
A couple of years ago, my friend invited me to go to a 4th of July party at his grandma's house on a lake. We were playing tag and, I don't really remember what happened, but we were going under and my brain went blank. I remember trying to swim to the shore and some nice girl jumped off of the float she was on with her friends. Her face is the only thing I remember clearly, red hair, freckles, and braces. I think I puked on the beach and never got to thank her, but I will always remember that she left her friends to help a stranger.
Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Drama Did You Get Into?
Mother-in-law drama. Do not recommend. In a nutshell, it was years and years of snide comments and criticisms and other "mean girl" things whenever my husband was out of earshot. She played one role in front of him, and a completely different one behind his back, so he often thought I misunderstood what she was saying or I was being overly sensitive. Well, when I was pregnant with our son, she dropped the facade and he finally saw her true colours. There was a huge blow-up a few weeks after our son was born, and neither my husband nor I have spoken with his mother (or father, for that matter) since. Our son will be 5 in a few months.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
A couple of years ago, my friend invited me to go to a 4th of July party at his grandma's house on a lake. We were playing tag and, I don't really remember what happened, but we were going under and my brain went blank. I remember trying to swim to the shore and some nice girl jumped off of the float she was on with her friends. Her face is the only thing I remember clearly, red hair, freckles, and braces. I think I puked on the beach and never got to thank her, but I will always remember that she left her friends to help a stranger.
Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Drama Did You Get Into?
In 5th grade, I was a patrol in the kindergarten hallway and my job was to watch a patrol's class if he/she had to leave. Except I couldn't because one girl decided to skip on her job in the morning and only do it in the afternoon. I can't tell you how many times I walked into before care and caught her on Snapchat. We reported her to the teacher leading the patrol program and she STILL didn't come. The worst part is, she still got to go to the patrol party at the end of the year even though I did most of her job for her.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
So my town is generally really safe so my mom would let me go to my friends house probably 5 min walk and I was on my way back from her house and this car starts following me I did the thing I learned I took 4 right turns they where still following me so I get onto my road and my parents aren’t home neither are my neighbors so I run down the road I didn’t know I could run that fast and start pounding on this persons house I kinda knew I knew there name and that’s it they where home but they didn’t open the door so I end up opening their door and running in freaking out. And once I got inside I looked outside and that person in the car me and (her name) agreed he looked like he was on something. But now my mom won’t let me go to my friends houses anymore alone.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
OK, trigger warning, this is not for the faint of heart. My husband was driving our car, he couldn't catch his breath, started convulsing and fainted. I had to stop the moving car from the passenger seat without hitting other cars and being unable to reach the brake pedal. I pulled it over, yanked it into park, called 911 and began CPR after dragging his body out of the car and onto the road. (No one stopped to help). If this had begun an hour later, we would have had our 2 friends in the car and would have been going 70 MPH on the interstate, killing us all. I still have nightmares and I still miss him every day.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
When my wife was 32 weeks pregnant we got a call from the doctor saying that some of her last test results were abnormal and we needed to go to the specialty hospital over an hour from our town because our hospital wouldn't have what we needed. We got to the hospital, and they told us that some of my wife's organs were failing and they needed to deliver the baby right away. That meant our baby would be born 2 months early. Luckily, the baby was born perfectly healthy and only needed to stay in the hospital for a week, and my wife recovered quickly. It definitely scared me to go from heading to the grocery store to thinking that I could lose my wife and new baby, but I think God was watching out for us because we decided to run those tests as an extra precaution, and if we hadn't done that, the doctors might not have caught things until it was too late. Also our friends had their baby 2 hours before us because of all that, so now my son has a twin, haha!
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Embarrassing Thing You've Done In Front Of Your Crush?
Jokingly kissed my friend in front of them... I still don't know why I did that tho...
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
When I had my wife in the ER with breathing difficulties. While they were treating her with a high-powered nebulizer, they were pulling in a ventilator, intubation equipment, and an emergency criocothyrotomy tray. As a former ICU nurse, I know exactly where this could be heading (but thankfully didn't) and I was terrified.Show All 22 Upvotes

KAt • submitted 2 new posts 4 years ago

KAt • commented on 13 posts 4 years ago
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KAt • submitted 4 new posts 4 years ago

KAt • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago

KAt • commented on 17 posts 4 years ago

KAt • upvoted 20 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
So my town is generally really safe so my mom would let me go to my friends house probably 5 min walk and I was on my way back from her house and this car starts following me I did the thing I learned I took 4 right turns they where still following me so I get onto my road and my parents aren’t home neither are my neighbors so I run down the road I didn’t know I could run that fast and start pounding on this persons house I kinda knew I knew there name and that’s it they where home but they didn’t open the door so I end up opening their door and running in freaking out. And once I got inside I looked outside and that person in the car me and (her name) agreed he looked like he was on something. But now my mom won’t let me go to my friends houses anymore alone.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
Ok so awhile ago me and some friends were playing a game in my friend’s basement with all the lights off where we were camping and we had to stay safe from werewolves. I had this cat light where you could change the colors and we had it on red (For a campfire). Then my one friend (Memphis) was at one end of the room and me Lily and Phoenix were at the other. So memphis heard footsteps. Then a large hulking figure stood in the darkness, the red light showing one side of it. Then we all heard a HIIIISSSSSSS noise. Turns out it was Lily’s dad. Memphis said he was terrified.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
When I had my wife in the ER with breathing difficulties. While they were treating her with a high-powered nebulizer, they were pulling in a ventilator, intubation equipment, and an emergency criocothyrotomy tray. As a former ICU nurse, I know exactly where this could be heading (but thankfully didn't) and I was terrified.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
A couple of years ago, my friend invited me to go to a 4th of July party at his grandma's house on a lake. We were playing tag and, I don't really remember what happened, but we were going under and my brain went blank. I remember trying to swim to the shore and some nice girl jumped off of the float she was on with her friends. Her face is the only thing I remember clearly, red hair, freckles, and braces. I think I puked on the beach and never got to thank her, but I will always remember that she left her friends to help a stranger.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
OK, trigger warning, this is not for the faint of heart. My husband was driving our car, he couldn't catch his breath, started convulsing and fainted. I had to stop the moving car from the passenger seat without hitting other cars and being unable to reach the brake pedal. I pulled it over, yanked it into park, called 911 and began CPR after dragging his body out of the car and onto the road. (No one stopped to help). If this had begun an hour later, we would have had our 2 friends in the car and would have been going 70 MPH on the interstate, killing us all. I still have nightmares and I still miss him every day.
Hey Pandas What Was The Most Terrifying Moment In Your Life?
When my wife was 32 weeks pregnant we got a call from the doctor saying that some of her last test results were abnormal and we needed to go to the specialty hospital over an hour from our town because our hospital wouldn't have what we needed. We got to the hospital, and they told us that some of my wife's organs were failing and they needed to deliver the baby right away. That meant our baby would be born 2 months early. Luckily, the baby was born perfectly healthy and only needed to stay in the hospital for a week, and my wife recovered quickly. It definitely scared me to go from heading to the grocery store to thinking that I could lose my wife and new baby, but I think God was watching out for us because we decided to run those tests as an extra precaution, and if we hadn't done that, the doctors might not have caught things until it was too late. Also our friends had their baby 2 hours before us because of all that, so now my son has a twin, haha!
Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Drama Did You Get Into?
In 5th grade, I was a patrol in the kindergarten hallway and my job was to watch a patrol's class if he/she had to leave. Except I couldn't because one girl decided to skip on her job in the morning and only do it in the afternoon. I can't tell you how many times I walked into before care and caught her on Snapchat. We reported her to the teacher leading the patrol program and she STILL didn't come. The worst part is, she still got to go to the patrol party at the end of the year even though I did most of her job for her.
Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Drama Did You Get Into?
Mother-in-law drama. Do not recommend. In a nutshell, it was years and years of snide comments and criticisms and other "mean girl" things whenever my husband was out of earshot. She played one role in front of him, and a completely different one behind his back, so he often thought I misunderstood what she was saying or I was being overly sensitive. Well, when I was pregnant with our son, she dropped the facade and he finally saw her true colours. There was a huge blow-up a few weeks after our son was born, and neither my husband nor I have spoken with his mother (or father, for that matter) since. Our son will be 5 in a few months.
Hey Pandas, What Are Tiny Things That Could Make The World Better?
okay we all know what we want first no karens anymore like yeah they make the drama but being rude to other people like that's wrong 2 just wear a mask 3 don't do anything mean PLEASE
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