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I am a robot
Community Member
1 posts
172 points
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I am a robot • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
I am a robot • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
Show All 14 Comments
I am a robot • upvoted 17 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
I've seen too much pain and suffering for those who can't speak so I'm going to speak for themHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
Please shine shine your light on me iIlluminate me make me complete Nova by VNV NationHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
We were learning what to think instead of how. - Jon Sirkis, Think for Yourself.Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
I would never hate a man for what God gave him in pigments And I would never plot against him just because he is different I would never judge a human for the cards he was given or Call them lesser than myself 'cause of the race that he's mixed withHey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Physical Feature On Anybody?
A brain. Surprising how many people don't have them.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Shrimp live in the canopies of the Redwood Forests. They get there via literal seagull poop, and the lush coastal ecosystem forms little puddles on the branches in which they grow and live.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
I've been waiting for my time to shine. You have erectile tissue in your nose. Orcas are the biggest natural predators of moose. There is a psychological disorder in which people believe they are a cow and it's called boanthropy. A wood frog can hold it's pee for up to eight months. If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will lose it's colour and become white. You can actually "dig to China" from Argentina. The Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows. There is a kind of psychologist called a "wealth psychologist" that specializes in helping wealthy people deal with immense guilt or not being emotionally able to cope with being rich. A single spaghetti noodle is called a spaghetto. A Polish doctor faked a typhus outbreak in order to prevent nazis. The youngest Pope was only 11 years old. A man once filmed 7 episodes of a soap opera in IKEA without getting caught. (the opera). Pigs will eat the entire human body except for the teeth. When cremating a body, if you don't remove the teeth, they will pop like popcorn.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Clown fish will change genders if their mate dies and then mate with their childrenWeird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Most ‘sea monster’ sightings are actually a whale sticking its reproductive organ out of the water.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Koala's are the most alien of all mammals on the planet. They have two thumbs on each hand, three vaginas, spend most of their lives asleep, and evolved to only eat one plant that has no nutritional value. They also eat their mother's poop.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Cannibalism is only illegal in one state of the United States (Idaho)Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
The main legal consideration between grave robbery and archeology is age and if the deceased has any living relatives. Where I live (ymmv), if the deceased has been dead over a century and has no living descendants, it's not considered grave robbery and you can claim any valuables found (jewellery, coins, artifacts, etc).Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to consume more than 3 sandwiches at a funeral. The most random law I’ve ever heard aboutWeird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
A co-worker told me one day “you’ll know when it’s truly the first day of spring because lake water will warm up and make any dead bodies in the lake float to the top surface due to bacteria” he continued with “except for in Lake Superior where the water temperature never gets warm enough to build bacteria in a dead body” and that’s one coworker I’ll never make mad right thereShow All 17 Upvotes
I am a robot • submitted a new post 3 years ago
I am a robot • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
I am a robot • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
I am a robot • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
I've seen too much pain and suffering for those who can't speak so I'm going to speak for themHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
Please shine shine your light on me iIlluminate me make me complete Nova by VNV NationHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
We were learning what to think instead of how. - Jon Sirkis, Think for Yourself.Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song Lyric?
I would never hate a man for what God gave him in pigments And I would never plot against him just because he is different I would never judge a human for the cards he was given or Call them lesser than myself 'cause of the race that he's mixed withWeird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Shrimp live in the canopies of the Redwood Forests. They get there via literal seagull poop, and the lush coastal ecosystem forms little puddles on the branches in which they grow and live.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Koala's are the most alien of all mammals on the planet. They have two thumbs on each hand, three vaginas, spend most of their lives asleep, and evolved to only eat one plant that has no nutritional value. They also eat their mother's poop.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
I've been waiting for my time to shine. You have erectile tissue in your nose. Orcas are the biggest natural predators of moose. There is a psychological disorder in which people believe they are a cow and it's called boanthropy. A wood frog can hold it's pee for up to eight months. If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will lose it's colour and become white. You can actually "dig to China" from Argentina. The Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows. There is a kind of psychologist called a "wealth psychologist" that specializes in helping wealthy people deal with immense guilt or not being emotionally able to cope with being rich. A single spaghetti noodle is called a spaghetto. A Polish doctor faked a typhus outbreak in order to prevent nazis. The youngest Pope was only 11 years old. A man once filmed 7 episodes of a soap opera in IKEA without getting caught. (the opera). Pigs will eat the entire human body except for the teeth. When cremating a body, if you don't remove the teeth, they will pop like popcorn.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Most ‘sea monster’ sightings are actually a whale sticking its reproductive organ out of the water.Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Cannibalism is only illegal in one state of the United States (Idaho)Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
The main legal consideration between grave robbery and archeology is age and if the deceased has any living relatives. Where I live (ymmv), if the deceased has been dead over a century and has no living descendants, it's not considered grave robbery and you can claim any valuables found (jewellery, coins, artifacts, etc).Weird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
Clown fish will change genders if their mate dies and then mate with their childrenWeird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to consume more than 3 sandwiches at a funeral. The most random law I’ve ever heard aboutWeird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
A co-worker told me one day “you’ll know when it’s truly the first day of spring because lake water will warm up and make any dead bodies in the lake float to the top surface due to bacteria” he continued with “except for in Lake Superior where the water temperature never gets warm enough to build bacteria in a dead body” and that’s one coworker I’ll never make mad right thereWeird-Facts-Make-People-Go-Why-Do-You-Know-That
It was an annual tradition for the pharaoh of Egypt to masturbate into the Nile with an audience.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
I am a robot • 67 followers