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Why won't Chrissy wake up!?!
Community Member
6 posts
898 points
Chrissy please wake up!
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago
35 "Hot Masculinity Takes" That Are So Wrong, They Had To Be Shamed On This Twitter Page (New Posts)
Show All 19 Comments
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago
boxedj reply
This will get downvoted but I bought my MacBook Pro in 2010 and it is still running fine. Before that I was going through toshiba and hp laptops every 2-3 years. In my case the MacBook has been the cheapest laptop I've ever had35 "Hot Masculinity Takes" That Are So Wrong, They Had To Be Shamed On This Twitter Page (New Posts)
Show All 21 Upvotes
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • submitted 6 new posts 2 years ago
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • submitted 17 list additions 2 years ago
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
35 "Hot Masculinity Takes" That Are So Wrong, They Had To Be Shamed On This Twitter Page (New Posts)
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
boxedj reply
This will get downvoted but I bought my MacBook Pro in 2010 and it is still running fine. Before that I was going through toshiba and hp laptops every 2-3 years. In my case the MacBook has been the cheapest laptop I've ever had Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • is following 5 people
Why won't Chrissy wake up!?! • 14 followers