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Community Member
Ey, if anyone still reads this, you should get off BP TvT
It’s not helpful at all to:
-Read recycled memes and other material stolen from reddit
-Argue with people day after day about every little fact or disagreement
-Be talking to adult strangers when you’re a minor
-Seek validation or friendship from a stranger who might not even mean the words they say
-Spend all day looking at a screen
I don’t know everyone’s situation- whether this is their safe place, or if they could easily turn off the device and talk to people physically in front of them. I get it- attachment. I felt it too, once. If it’s healthier for you to drift away and live your life, do it. Or don’t, I guess. No one has to read this or listen.
I’m just saying this because, I got addicted to the website and the commenting and all of that. One day, I just started coming on less and less, until I didn’t go on for at least 2 months. I don’t feel HEALED, necessarily, but my depression faded a bit. For all the talking with people that goes on here, I there’s still a lonely feeling. Like you were never actually accepted, like people only put up with you without saying what they truly thought.
For anyone who needs to hear it: you’re loved! Incredibly loved. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I promise you are.
Love is:
Long suffering
Love is not:
Dishonoring of others
It thinks no evil.
It doesn’t rejoice in iniquity, rather in truth.
It bears all things.
It believes all things.
It endures all things.
-1 Corinthians 13:4-7