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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • commented on a post 2 years ago
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • upvoted 32 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Did As A Kid That You Would Never Do As An Adult?
I would runaround the house naked after a shower even if the windows were open, sadly cant do that anymoreHey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Computer Glitch?
I was using a school computer and it wouldn't connect to the wifi (which sucks a$$ at my school) and I had to use a different one. The only other computer I could use was the infamous Number 29; the top-right corner of the screen is shattered, the "b" and down arrow keys were missing, and the spacebar was cracked in half. When you open Google, it rapidly scrolls up and down so it's almost impossible to click something, and it also right-clicks by itself sometimes. Once I was trying to upload a picture for a project, and of course, I used Google. I FINALLY clicked the image tab and then it clicked on a random image and WENT TO THE WEBSITE BY ITSELF. I closed the tab, but when I tried again, it clicked on a different image but went to THE SAME WEBSITE AS THE FIRST TIME but it OPENED ANOTHER WINDOW. I think it's cursed.Show All 32 Upvotes
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
Show All 3 Posts
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • submitted 5 new posts 2 years ago
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • submitted 7 list additions 2 years ago
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • commented on a post 2 years ago
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Did As A Kid That You Would Never Do As An Adult?
I would runaround the house naked after a shower even if the windows were open, sadly cant do that anymoreHey Pandas, What Is Your Least Favorite Computer Glitch?
I was using a school computer and it wouldn't connect to the wifi (which sucks a$$ at my school) and I had to use a different one. The only other computer I could use was the infamous Number 29; the top-right corner of the screen is shattered, the "b" and down arrow keys were missing, and the spacebar was cracked in half. When you open Google, it rapidly scrolls up and down so it's almost impossible to click something, and it also right-clicks by itself sometimes. Once I was trying to upload a picture for a project, and of course, I used Google. I FINALLY clicked the image tab and then it clicked on a random image and WENT TO THE WEBSITE BY ITSELF. I closed the tab, but when I tried again, it clicked on a different image but went to THE SAME WEBSITE AS THE FIRST TIME but it OPENED ANOTHER WINDOW. I think it's cursed. Fuzzy_Wuzzy • is following a person
Fuzzy_Wuzzy • 3 followers