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DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta
Community Member
1 posts
234 points
I like dogs and pasta
* don't steal it *
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • commented on 28 posts 2 years ago
Show All 28 Comments
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • upvoted 9 items 2 years ago
Never Assume The Other Driver Sees You
That as a trucker, that space I left in front of me is so I don’t kill anybody, NOT your personal invitation to jump in front of my bumper because you forgot your exit or whatever reason. So many want to get in front of us and slow down and park in front my bumper. YSK: Don’t believe the billboards those ambulance chasing lawyers put up about big truck accidents mean big bucks. Only survivors get money, most likely not you. If you do survive, more than likely your quality of life is going to be miserable. Also YSK: these trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, 34,000 pounds empty and around 20,000 pounds without the trailer. How does that compare to your SUV or even your lifted pickup. Do us all a favor and give us some space, leave us room so that you can live and go home to your family One final thought, NEVER assume the other driver sees you. Wow! Thanks for all the upvotes. Glad you found it helpful.Never Assume The Other Driver Sees You
That as a trucker, that space I left in front of me is so I don’t kill anybody, NOT your personal invitation to jump in front of my bumper because you forgot your exit or whatever reason. So many want to get in front of us and slow down and park in front my bumper. YSK: Don’t believe the billboards those ambulance chasing lawyers put up about big truck accidents mean big bucks. Only survivors get money, most likely not you. If you do survive, more than likely your quality of life is going to be miserable. Also YSK: these trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, 34,000 pounds empty and around 20,000 pounds without the trailer. How does that compare to your SUV or even your lifted pickup. Do us all a favor and give us some space, leave us room so that you can live and go home to your family One final thought, NEVER assume the other driver sees you. Wow! Thanks for all the upvotes. Glad you found it helpful.Show All 9 Upvotes
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • submitted a new post 2 years ago
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • submitted a new post 2 years ago
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Never Assume The Other Driver Sees You
That as a trucker, that space I left in front of me is so I don’t kill anybody, NOT your personal invitation to jump in front of my bumper because you forgot your exit or whatever reason. So many want to get in front of us and slow down and park in front my bumper. YSK: Don’t believe the billboards those ambulance chasing lawyers put up about big truck accidents mean big bucks. Only survivors get money, most likely not you. If you do survive, more than likely your quality of life is going to be miserable. Also YSK: these trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, 34,000 pounds empty and around 20,000 pounds without the trailer. How does that compare to your SUV or even your lifted pickup. Do us all a favor and give us some space, leave us room so that you can live and go home to your family One final thought, NEVER assume the other driver sees you. Wow! Thanks for all the upvotes. Glad you found it helpful.Common-Tourist-Mistakes-Unfamiliar-Country
Worst mistake: not learning a little bit about the culture ahead of time so you are not accidentally rude. DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • is following a person
DoN’t sTeAl My PaSta • 5 followers