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Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they)
Community Member

9 posts
7.8K points
Let’s play the fight song, guys. I am pansexual and my pronouns are she/they, I love animals and spaghetti. I’m a Gemini and I’m a band and choir nerd. My motto is “will y’all just be nice?”.

Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • commented on 3 posts 2 years ago
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Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • upvoted 37 items 2 years ago

My former boss used to say "either you have money, or you talk about it"
They spend money if it saves them time. Time is more valuable than money
Daxortrey reply
In a church setting, the person will use an envelope and discreetly place it in the dish. Other people will make a show of openly their wallets
ExhaustedMD reply
When you ask them if they’re wealthy or not they always just say “I’m comfortable”Show All 37 Upvotes

Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago

Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • submitted 19 list additions 3 years ago

Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago

Guy Makes Honest And Funny Charts That Sum Up Our Lives, And Here Are 30 Of The Best Ones (New Pics)

Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

DeltaSolana reply
Best friend of 15 years. It all unraveled the night he told my cousin to kill herself, tried to start a fight with multiple people at my house, and flipped off my mom. Edit: Yes, he was drunk at the time. No, I'm not reaching out to him. Disrespect to my family is an irredeemable offense in my eyes. He's out of my life completely now.
Marawal reply
Summary of a one hour phone call. Me, sobbing : "I have seen my doctor. She diagnosed a burn-out. I need to rest and relax for at least the next few months. I'm sorry, I can't work on our project anymore. It's too much for me". Her answer : "How dare you? I thought you weren't that weak. We're all tired. You should man up. You're selfish for abandonning us like that. If you quit now, don't even bother contacting me again". I don't know about you guys, but if my best friend call me sobbing about her health, my first reaction wouldn't be that one.
QueenBWB reply
When she told me she didn’t want to hang out because my toddler took up too much of my time and I was boring. Then she got knocked up and came to me crying about how hard everything is gonna be now that she’s single and pregnant.
SortaDead reply
When I realized she only wanted to receive support and kindness but never give it. She had a rough home life growing up and I always supported her through everything, I would drop what I was doing when she’d call me in tears to help her. Then I had my own rough patch that left me in a depressive rut. She was always too busy with her hobbies (not even actual work/school) to even talk to me when I went seeking support. Would get angry when I sent simple “Are you free this weekend?” texts because it was too “needy”. This is also when I learned who my real best friend was because she saw what was happening, told off this so called “friend”, and gave me all the support I needed. Edit: Omg this got way more attention than I thought it would. I’m so sorry to see this is such a common ordeal that people have gone through/are going through. I wish everyone the best. We all deserve the support to get us through tough times.
sleepy_gemini reply
When I invited her to hang out with me at the nearby lake for my birthday, she said she would get back to me. She never did, instead she posted on her Snapchat story about how much fun she was having with her other friends. I stopped talking to her after that.
WaffleHouseNeedsWiFi reply
Not my best, but one I was growing closer to. She left me a voicemail but didn't hang up properly. It was like: "Hey, WaffleHouseNeedsWifi. I'm with Melissa and we're seein' what you're up to. Call us when you get off work. Bye!" Rustling sounds. "She's probably not even at work. She does this lame-ass s**t where she disappears for days on end. I don't even know why I called her. She's so f**kin' annoying and it'd be better to spend the day with just you." Okay. Then do. I listened to it three times just to make bloody certain I heard her 100% right. (It was crystal clear.) When she asked me days later what was up with me, I told her about the voicemail. She proceeded to deny it outright ("I never said anything like that!"), then jump down my throat claiming she was talking about someone else. (What? That didn't even make sense.) Whatever. And people wonder why I disappear.
thotuthot reply
When I visited my friend of 25 years (bestman, etc.) He got violently drunk and attempted to strangle me in front his screaming family while I begged for life and that my daughters would not be orphans. Because I didnt want to be grabbed. This happened 14 hours ago. Fun times
Compulsive-Gremlin reply
My friend completely ghosted me after I had my daughter. She never called or texted me. She got angry if I invited her over. Later she told me she was upset with me because I wasn’t paying enough attention to her. Good riddance.
recycling_monster reply
When she called me a ‘s**t’ ‘whore’ etc when her adult brother molested me. We were 12.
mil035 reply
when we went out to eat and i offered her to pay (as usual..) because she told me that she forgot her purse - she ordered loads of food and ate only half of it. After leaving her shoelace was loose and she bent over to tie her shoe and a 100$ bill was sticking out of her back pocket. She did this for four years and i never realised. Gave her another chance without sayin a word - three days later i found out she was constantly using my instagram to text my ex boyfriend to end my current realationship. I think she never got slapped so hard.
Hanndicap reply
When we both tried to get in a frat, i didn't make it and he did which was cool bc we'd still hang out. That is until for the next month him and a few of his new frat pledgees would throw food at me and on at least 4 occasions id be blindsided on campus with them tipping me over, im in a wheelchair. They wore masks so i had no proof to anyone but he was pretty big and i recognized his shoes. he'd then try to still hang around me and act like he never did anything. I didn't really figure it out til about the 3rd time when they tipped me over and thats when i saw his shoes, confirming it. About a year later he randomly texted me saying how sorry he was for what he did and hoped we could be friends again but by that time i could care less. Turns out he had gotten kicked out of the frat for drug use and now he couch surfs.
anon reply
While they were driving everyone decided they wanted to party. No one had money so they suggested they should call Varvatos he always has money. I was sitting in the back seat. I was like uh I’m right here and I’m not in the mood to party tonight.
Chaotic-Pansexual (she/they) • is following 13 people

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