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Community Member

1 posts
981 points
Most treasured possession: Baby Yoda

Mando • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago

InsomniacDreamz reply
I had a miscarriage because my medical care providers refused to listen to me. My uterus pressed on the lines to my bladder and gave me an infection (really simple and common thing to happen durring pregnancy its completely treatable and should never be more than a mild inconvenience) I went septic and we almost died together. What I want for mother's day is for women and especially women of color to stop receiving medical care worse than that of a third world country. If I get a second request it would be universal healthcare. I'm over 16000 in debt for someone who attempted to kill me and my child. This is insane and I have no way of paying it. Even if I did why would I want to? Everytime I receive a bill it makes me break down in tears in a combination of "I lost my baby" and "I can't afford this"
Contamminated reply
That some day everyone meets their person and live and love together the rest of their lives. Never happens for some of us.
NeighborhoodHuge5803 reply
If you simply put your head down, do what you're told, and work hard, things will work out
HamburgerJames reply
Years ago, I worked the late shift at a hospital (4pm-midnight). My nightly drive home led me through back roads of fields and woods which often had low hanging fog - particularly in early spring. I lived in a small town that has a lot of civil war history. Ghost stories were so popular that area historians would do moonlight “ghost walks” where they searched for signs of restless spirits roaming the battlefield. The urban legend was that, in a war that pitted brother against brother, those soldiers who were killed by family became souls that were never at rest. I never bought into it, but one night under particularly dense fog did scare the ever living c**p out of me. At around 1am, as I sped through curves and hills, I saw the outline of 2 figures walking along the side of the road. The closer I got, the more I slowed down as I didn’t want to hit them or anything. By the time I passed them, I was going probably 10 mph. First I noticed their weirdly shaped hats. Then, the buttons on their jackets glimmered in my headlights. I swear to God, there were 2 Civil war soldiers walking in the fog in the moonlight. I could not breathe. The taller one, thin and gangly, looked up at my car and put his hand towards me. I hit the gas so hard. My transmission could barely keep up. I sped off into the night and, when I finally caught my breath, screamed several expletives. As I rounded another curve, I saw a small car - a geo metro, pulled over with lights flashing. It’s hood was up and steam was coming from the engine. A man in civil war garb stood close by staring at it with his hands on his hips. Damn reenactors were in town for some event and had car problems. To this day I have no clue why they were out so late. About scared me to death.
My Mom Is Homophobic And Forced Me To Decorate Eggs This Year. So I Made My Eggs Different Pride Flags. She Has No Idea

sllysam45 reply
I learned that other people's opinions of me don't matter. MY opinion of me matters, and since I hold myself to an exceptionally high standard....I'M AWESOME!!
tfresh2death reply
That we should shake the CEO's hand with the exact same enthusiasm and firmness as the janitors hand.
ohhappyday88 reply
1. Everyone is just f*cking winging it. 2. “The rules” do not apply evenly. 3. Everyone around you will always prioritize their needs first, regardless of any verbal assurance to the contrary.Show All 39 Upvotes

Mando • commented on a post 1 year ago

Mando • submitted a new post 3 years ago

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Mando • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago

Mando • submitted 10 list additions 4 years ago

Mando • commented on a post 1 year ago

Mando • commented on 18 posts 2 years ago

Mando • commented on a post 3 years ago

Mando • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

NeighborhoodHuge5803 reply
If you simply put your head down, do what you're told, and work hard, things will work out
Contamminated reply
That some day everyone meets their person and live and love together the rest of their lives. Never happens for some of us.
InsomniacDreamz reply
I had a miscarriage because my medical care providers refused to listen to me. My uterus pressed on the lines to my bladder and gave me an infection (really simple and common thing to happen durring pregnancy its completely treatable and should never be more than a mild inconvenience) I went septic and we almost died together. What I want for mother's day is for women and especially women of color to stop receiving medical care worse than that of a third world country. If I get a second request it would be universal healthcare. I'm over 16000 in debt for someone who attempted to kill me and my child. This is insane and I have no way of paying it. Even if I did why would I want to? Everytime I receive a bill it makes me break down in tears in a combination of "I lost my baby" and "I can't afford this"
HamburgerJames reply
Years ago, I worked the late shift at a hospital (4pm-midnight). My nightly drive home led me through back roads of fields and woods which often had low hanging fog - particularly in early spring. I lived in a small town that has a lot of civil war history. Ghost stories were so popular that area historians would do moonlight “ghost walks” where they searched for signs of restless spirits roaming the battlefield. The urban legend was that, in a war that pitted brother against brother, those soldiers who were killed by family became souls that were never at rest. I never bought into it, but one night under particularly dense fog did scare the ever living c**p out of me. At around 1am, as I sped through curves and hills, I saw the outline of 2 figures walking along the side of the road. The closer I got, the more I slowed down as I didn’t want to hit them or anything. By the time I passed them, I was going probably 10 mph. First I noticed their weirdly shaped hats. Then, the buttons on their jackets glimmered in my headlights. I swear to God, there were 2 Civil war soldiers walking in the fog in the moonlight. I could not breathe. The taller one, thin and gangly, looked up at my car and put his hand towards me. I hit the gas so hard. My transmission could barely keep up. I sped off into the night and, when I finally caught my breath, screamed several expletives. As I rounded another curve, I saw a small car - a geo metro, pulled over with lights flashing. It’s hood was up and steam was coming from the engine. A man in civil war garb stood close by staring at it with his hands on his hips. Damn reenactors were in town for some event and had car problems. To this day I have no clue why they were out so late. About scared me to death.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Mando • 52 followers