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Jode Mode
Community Member
2 posts
2.3K points
John Waters and I live in the same neighborhood.
Jode Mode • commented on a post 10 months ago
Jode Mode • commented on a post 11 months ago
Jode Mode • upvoted 18 items 1 year ago
needthisasapplease reply
I went to an extremely expensive private school. I thought that I was poor because we didn't have brand new luxury cars, a massive house, and I didn't get a brand new toy just because I asked for it. It wasn't until I was older that I realized my parents had just as much money as those other kids, but they saved it all and lived very frugally. My father grew up extremely poor (like, you're brother gets to eat dinner tonight and you'll eat breakfast tomorrow poor), and he didn't believe in buying extravagant things or outrageous cars. I thought that because we drove Toyota Corollas (which were bought new every 6-8 years) and we lived in a "small" house (4 bed/ 4 bath split level for three people) and we didn't have a maid that we were poor. And I'm glad that we lived that way, because I was raised to work for the things I wanted and that just because you CAN buy something, doesn't mean you should.Show All 18 Upvotes
Jode Mode • commented on 19 posts 1 year ago
Show All 19 Comments
Jode Mode • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Jode Mode • submitted 13 list additions 2 years ago
Jode Mode • commented on a post 10 months ago
Jode Mode • commented on a post 11 months ago
Jode Mode • commented on 18 posts 1 year ago
Jode Mode • upvoted 18 items 1 year ago
needthisasapplease reply
I went to an extremely expensive private school. I thought that I was poor because we didn't have brand new luxury cars, a massive house, and I didn't get a brand new toy just because I asked for it. It wasn't until I was older that I realized my parents had just as much money as those other kids, but they saved it all and lived very frugally. My father grew up extremely poor (like, you're brother gets to eat dinner tonight and you'll eat breakfast tomorrow poor), and he didn't believe in buying extravagant things or outrageous cars. I thought that because we drove Toyota Corollas (which were bought new every 6-8 years) and we lived in a "small" house (4 bed/ 4 bath split level for three people) and we didn't have a maid that we were poor. And I'm glad that we lived that way, because I was raised to work for the things I wanted and that just because you CAN buy something, doesn't mean you should.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Jode Mode • 20 followers