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Jon Clingenpeel
Community Member
1 posts
1.4K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 2 items 3 months ago
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted an item 4 months ago
Apparently The Shared Passions In "My Parents Open Carry" Was The Secret Ingredient That The Family Was Missing
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 7 items 10 months ago
dasaigaijin reply
My teachers used to say "Video games will make you braindead." Turns out video games were all about solving puzzles and problem solving and ended up increasing the cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills for children from a young age.Show All 7 Upvotes
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted an item 11 months ago
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 3 items 12 months ago
Keep Your Shower Times From Going 'Down-Drain'-Saur With The Funny Cat Riding Dinosaur Shower Curtain! Here's To The Clashing Worlds Of Cute Kittens And Ferocious Dinos In Your Bathroom
Show All 3 Upvotes
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 24 items 1 year ago
Goatiusman reply
A picture of me. Story time: Ran into a really old classmate from when we were in 1st grade together. We talked and chatted, got invited over to meet his wife and kids. Cool. I am told to explore around since dinner wasnt ready, so I did. Walked into his office and on his desk is a picture of two kids. It dawned on me really fast the two kids were him, and I. fighting. I was in the middle of a full on kick with my hiking boots, and he was swinging a stick down at me vertically. We looked SOOO pissed off. I remember that fight, it ended fast cause my kick landed first and blasted him down on the ground. We were fighting over girls of course, because he was 007, and kicked me "out of the group". Yet it was a school park day and he and is gaggle of girls would follow me all over, and chase me off, so we got in a fight lol. Thing about that picture? It looked like a professional animal photographer took it, like it looked like a national geographic shot. He comes into his office and sees the me looking at that photo with this absolutely bewildered face and told me his end of it. Apparently a teacher snapped that shot off and gave it to his parents. And the beating I gave him right before I moved made him stop being a bully. he LOVED that photo so much he shows it to everyone. He calls the photo "The Righteous Fury of the Bullied" He apparently had hoped we would run into each other someday, but having heard about my life and how I was treated growing up didnt want me to feel like he pitied me. I valued that SOOO much. He joked that from what he heard, people were like "f**k goatiusman, f**k goatiusman, f**k goatiusman, and then I said no "f**k you"" and I got in shape, learned to fight and now no one messes with me anymore. We just hung out the other day, drank to much and we just passed out sitting up watching old movies. Two old men, rivals to brothers.Goatiusman reply
A picture of me. Story time: Ran into a really old classmate from when we were in 1st grade together. We talked and chatted, got invited over to meet his wife and kids. Cool. I am told to explore around since dinner wasnt ready, so I did. Walked into his office and on his desk is a picture of two kids. It dawned on me really fast the two kids were him, and I. fighting. I was in the middle of a full on kick with my hiking boots, and he was swinging a stick down at me vertically. We looked SOOO pissed off. I remember that fight, it ended fast cause my kick landed first and blasted him down on the ground. We were fighting over girls of course, because he was 007, and kicked me "out of the group". Yet it was a school park day and he and is gaggle of girls would follow me all over, and chase me off, so we got in a fight lol. Thing about that picture? It looked like a professional animal photographer took it, like it looked like a national geographic shot. He comes into his office and sees the me looking at that photo with this absolutely bewildered face and told me his end of it. Apparently a teacher snapped that shot off and gave it to his parents. And the beating I gave him right before I moved made him stop being a bully. he LOVED that photo so much he shows it to everyone. He calls the photo "The Righteous Fury of the Bullied" He apparently had hoped we would run into each other someday, but having heard about my life and how I was treated growing up didnt want me to feel like he pitied me. I valued that SOOO much. He joked that from what he heard, people were like "f**k goatiusman, f**k goatiusman, f**k goatiusman, and then I said no "f**k you"" and I got in shape, learned to fight and now no one messes with me anymore. We just hung out the other day, drank to much and we just passed out sitting up watching old movies. Two old men, rivals to brothers.yeasayerstr reply
Riding around town in the back of a pickup truck. I’m someone who won’t take my car out of park if all the seatbelts aren’t fastened, but as a kid I would jump at the chance to ride in the truck bed.SlightlyIncandescent reply
UK Pro: We're like a USA lite. Some of the good parts of the US without the guns and religion.Con: We're like a USA lite.
anon reply
Not the same, but my biological father raised my older brother and sister(each from different douche bags) as his own when my brother was 6 and my sister was 3. I was the happy accident. My brother and sister don't talk to their biological fathers, and call "my" dad Dad. I've never once heard him refer to either as stepson or stepdaughter. He explained it to his angry mother like so: "I married a woman with children; they are my children now." My dad kicks a*s.clemkaddidlehopper reply
This is an extremely controversial opinion, but religion-based "modesty" clothing that is designed to protect women's "sexual purity" will always rub me the wrong way. I don't care if the religion is Christian, Muslim, Pastafarian, or whatever else: I just think it is abhorrent and archaic when women are singled out as the ones responsible for keeping men from being sexual predators and deviants and are made to cover any portion of their body because of some religious mandate. I also do not agree with the logic that this can ever be a woman's choice or a "feminist act" as long as a religious community is the source of the pressure to dress a certain way.Show All 24 Upvotes
Jon Clingenpeel • commented on a post 1 year ago
Jon Clingenpeel • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Jon Clingenpeel • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
Jon Clingenpeel • submitted 9 list additions 3 years ago
Jon Clingenpeel • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
Jon Clingenpeel • submitted a list addition 6 years ago
Jon Clingenpeel • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 3 items 3 months ago
Apparently The Shared Passions In "My Parents Open Carry" Was The Secret Ingredient That The Family Was Missing
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 2 items 9 months ago
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 5 items 10 months ago
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 4 items 11 months ago
Keep Your Shower Times From Going 'Down-Drain'-Saur With The Funny Cat Riding Dinosaur Shower Curtain! Here's To The Clashing Worlds Of Cute Kittens And Ferocious Dinos In Your Bathroom
By My Troth, A Remedy For Thy Wounds! Try The Reviving Magic Of The Shakespearean Insult Bandages! Delight Thyself With These Charming Insults While Thy Body Heals!
Jon Clingenpeel • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago
Goatiusman reply
A picture of me. Story time: Ran into a really old classmate from when we were in 1st grade together. We talked and chatted, got invited over to meet his wife and kids. Cool. I am told to explore around since dinner wasnt ready, so I did. Walked into his office and on his desk is a picture of two kids. It dawned on me really fast the two kids were him, and I. fighting. I was in the middle of a full on kick with my hiking boots, and he was swinging a stick down at me vertically. We looked SOOO pissed off. I remember that fight, it ended fast cause my kick landed first and blasted him down on the ground. We were fighting over girls of course, because he was 007, and kicked me "out of the group". Yet it was a school park day and he and is gaggle of girls would follow me all over, and chase me off, so we got in a fight lol. Thing about that picture? It looked like a professional animal photographer took it, like it looked like a national geographic shot. He comes into his office and sees the me looking at that photo with this absolutely bewildered face and told me his end of it. Apparently a teacher snapped that shot off and gave it to his parents. And the beating I gave him right before I moved made him stop being a bully. he LOVED that photo so much he shows it to everyone. He calls the photo "The Righteous Fury of the Bullied" He apparently had hoped we would run into each other someday, but having heard about my life and how I was treated growing up didnt want me to feel like he pitied me. I valued that SOOO much. He joked that from what he heard, people were like "f**k goatiusman, f**k goatiusman, f**k goatiusman, and then I said no "f**k you"" and I got in shape, learned to fight and now no one messes with me anymore. We just hung out the other day, drank to much and we just passed out sitting up watching old movies. Two old men, rivals to brothers.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Jon Clingenpeel • 61 followers