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This “lazy panda” doesn’t respond well to shaming coercion.
Family’s Requirements For A Babysitter Are So Crazy, They Got Shamed For It Online
DE4N0123 reply
Posting pictures of my children on social media. It disgusts me how normalised it has become for parents to post pictures of their new born babies literally minutes after they’ve entered the world. A child cannot consent to having their privacy obliterated like that. Urgh.
GF Is Flabbergasted After Jobless BF Insists He Gets Equity In Her Home Due To Housework He Does
DE4N0123 reply
Posting pictures of my children on social media. It disgusts me how normalised it has become for parents to post pictures of their new born babies literally minutes after they’ve entered the world. A child cannot consent to having their privacy obliterated like that. Urgh.