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Jason Marin
Community Member

5 posts
4.3K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Jason Marin • upvoted an item 1 year ago

Jason Marin • commented on a post 1 year ago

Jason Marin • upvoted 21 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Is Something Normal That You Think Shouldn’t Be?
People licking their fingers and then touching something else. It's not only disgusting but unsanitary. Ex. Customers lick their fingers to separate bags. Stop doing this. How do any of us know you aren't sick or carrying some kind of transmittable disease? Then there's my mom. A week ago, she made porkchops but, one of the porkchops was stuck to the aluminum foul so what does she do? She licks her fingers and then tries to separate it from the foil. Naturally, I refused to touch that porkchop after what she did. She didn't get what the "big deal" was and I had to tell her it was disgusting. That I didn't want the porkchop after she licked her fingers.Show All 21 Upvotes

Jason Marin • commented on 16 posts 2 years ago
Show All 16 Comments

Jason Marin • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Jason Marin • submitted 20 list additions 2 years ago

Jason Marin • commented on a post 1 year ago

Jason Marin • commented on 19 posts 2 years ago

Jason Marin • upvoted 3 items 1 year ago

Jason Marin • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Is Something Normal That You Think Shouldn’t Be?
People licking their fingers and then touching something else. It's not only disgusting but unsanitary. Ex. Customers lick their fingers to separate bags. Stop doing this. How do any of us know you aren't sick or carrying some kind of transmittable disease? Then there's my mom. A week ago, she made porkchops but, one of the porkchops was stuck to the aluminum foul so what does she do? She licks her fingers and then tries to separate it from the foil. Naturally, I refused to touch that porkchop after what she did. She didn't get what the "big deal" was and I had to tell her it was disgusting. That I didn't want the porkchop after she licked her fingers.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet