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11 posts
133 points
leo,lazy,toxic:( ,10 & my bday is 8,15,2010 lol follow @theweirdone i hope we all can be freinds bye!
LazyPandaOreo • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
Show All 11 Comments
LazyPandaOreo • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
Skateboarding i will go above and beyond to become the next best skateboarderHey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
My cat. He's the best thing in my life. No person comes close to the love he gives me.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
My wife. Without her I would not be a functioning member of society. She has taught me so much about how to behave a "normal person", I can almost be trusted to comment on social media without her giving me the green light (I'm still not allowed to comment on my family's posts in case I upset them or start a family row).Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
my hermit crabs. they are better then all my friends and familyHey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
My best friend and my little sister, the only people who I'd die for.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
Connection. To people, to animals, to memories, to roots, to the earth and the sea and the sky.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
Friends. When I have trouble at home I have friends who will listen to what's going on and support me no matter what. I have recently had some very deep and emotional conversations in the middle of the night with a friend. Also my siblings. They are very important to me and I would do anything for them... usually, because they're too stupid to do it themselves and obviously we hate each other's guts but we also love each other. Having siblings is a very complex relationship, anyone with siblings (younger ones in particular) will get it.Show All 28 Upvotes
LazyPandaOreo • submitted a new post 3 years ago
LazyPandaOreo • submitted 17 list additions 3 years ago
LazyPandaOreo • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
LazyPandaOreo • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
Skateboarding i will go above and beyond to become the next best skateboarderHey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
my hermit crabs. they are better then all my friends and familyHey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
My cat. He's the best thing in my life. No person comes close to the love he gives me.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
My wife. Without her I would not be a functioning member of society. She has taught me so much about how to behave a "normal person", I can almost be trusted to comment on social media without her giving me the green light (I'm still not allowed to comment on my family's posts in case I upset them or start a family row).Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
Connection. To people, to animals, to memories, to roots, to the earth and the sea and the sky.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
My best friend and my little sister, the only people who I'd die for.Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Important Thing To You?
Friends. When I have trouble at home I have friends who will listen to what's going on and support me no matter what. I have recently had some very deep and emotional conversations in the middle of the night with a friend. Also my siblings. They are very important to me and I would do anything for them... usually, because they're too stupid to do it themselves and obviously we hate each other's guts but we also love each other. Having siblings is a very complex relationship, anyone with siblings (younger ones in particular) will get it. LazyPandaOreo • is following 12 people
LazyPandaOreo • 47 followers