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176 points
Guess my favourite creature. its so hard

Dargonz • commented on 14 posts 1 year ago
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Dargonz • commented on 14 posts 1 year ago

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Dargonz • upvoted 6 items 3 years ago

A Sea Bass
I had to confiscate a sea bass from a student who had brought it in to use in the playground at break time...he was walking around slapping people in the face with it and challenging them to a duel..
I was producing a video for some university professors on a specific medical thing for a virtual learning course. I was all set up to shoot the process, and the teachers excused themselves to the next office to regroup and have a chat. I already had their wireless lav mics attached and fed to my camera, so when I sat down at the camera and put on my headphones I immediately heard their conversation - they were criticizing me, saying they couldn't believe they hired someone so young, inexperienced in that particular medical field, how I looked, how I asked questions, etc... Oops! At least I made them a fine video. These days I don't put my headphones on until we're about to shoot.
Hey Pandas, What Is Something Funny You Got In Trouble For And Have Absolutely No Regrets?
In the middle school we got really mean religion teacher (in Poland they teach you about it in schools). She was unbearable, demanded some XIX century obedience, strict code on standing, calling her per professor, was screaming at everyone constantly and was bullying kids she didn't like, even punched some kids if needed. Me being a little rebelious brat at the time i couldn't just sit and look at her behavior and we got into a lot of fights. It ended up that parents sign me off from religion class. All good. About a month later my friend quit classroom during religion class all crying because she was again called names by teacher and she had enough. So i grabbed emergency fire hose that was on the corridor and entered class wanting to scare teacher. Little i knew that it was actually working hose and when i pull the handle, water just went with quite force out of it and i flooded classroom. Of course i was detained and got grounded like hell but i don't regret it a bit. After such dramatic event they started to listen to kids complains and saw a pattern. Someone apparently even recorded her outbreak and she got fired.
Hey Pandas What Is A Usefull Body Hack You Know
if you have that horrible itch in your throat a good way to remove it is to scratch your ear not your throatThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

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