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Nice Beast Ludo
Community Member
Hey Pandas-
I'm a mom in my 30s... with my husband for 16 years... have a 15 year old and 10 year old. Plus my 5 year dog/old man Gunner.
I love reading and writing and animals.
Huge Labyrinth Fan and clearly huge introverted weirdo... love this community because I fit in and can speak freely. I rarely post on any other social media and when I do speak my mind, I delete it within the hour. Bored Panda is the only social media that feels safe to me.
Sometimes I take a 1-2-3 week internet hiatus. I find it extremely overwhelming.
Love Harry Potter- favorite activity is coloring while listening to the audiobooks
Suffer severe anxiety and ADHD.
Collector of childhood nostalgia and have a DVD collection to rival the kid's section of a mid-90s Blockbuster