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Jacob Henry
Community Member
1 posts
48 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Jacob Henry • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
Show All 19 Comments
Jacob Henry • upvoted 10 items 3 years ago
Pandas, What Is The Dumbest Candle Scent?
“Manly scents” like wood or charcoal or something like that. Like why do scents need to be “feminine” or “masculine”? Why can’t a girls house smell like charcoal? Why can’t a guys house smell like spring flowers? Why do scents need to be “assigned to a gender”? It doesn’t make sense.Show All 10 Upvotes
Jacob Henry • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Jacob Henry • submitted a new post 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Jacob Henry • commented on 19 posts 3 years ago
45 Things That Are Normal In The US, But Seem Bizarre In Other Countries Shared In This Online Group
Jacob Henry • upvoted 10 items 3 years ago
Pandas, What Is The Dumbest Candle Scent?
“Manly scents” like wood or charcoal or something like that. Like why do scents need to be “feminine” or “masculine”? Why can’t a girls house smell like charcoal? Why can’t a guys house smell like spring flowers? Why do scents need to be “assigned to a gender”? It doesn’t make sense.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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