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Jake E
Community Member

5 posts
1.4K points
Hi, I am a bored panda that wants to get to know people. That's why I ask some Ask Pandas. I like talking to my friends and playing videogames. I am a huge Disney and Harry Potter nerd. I want to make as many people as I can very happy before I die. I plan to become an author and/or chef. A quote I made is: "A true friend cannot be gained, but earned."

Jake E • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Makes A Person Good?
If they are compassionate for when bad things happen to others.
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Makes A Person Good?
A Good person is someone that has compassion for others and shows kindness. They don't speak ill of others, but know where to draw the line in the sand through calm conversation and reasoning. A Good person is selfless, but knows how to take care of those around them without losing their ability to self-care. They don't judge, they don't gossip and they don't hold grudges. And a Good person takes responsibility for their own mistakes seeing them as learning opportunities and not failures. There is no perfectly Good Person out there. But you can strive to be a Good Person everyday to make a difference in other peoples lives and inspire them to be a Good Person too.
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Makes A Person Good?
As boring as it sounds, someone who understands the reason for rules and sticks to them no matter what. We seem to have about 3-4 generations who come from a level of entitlement that is just mind-bogglingly wrong on so many levels, to the point where they will actively break rules / the law if those rules and laws don't suit them. That's not the mark of a good person, that's the mark of someone who grew up without a steer on their moral compass (and it's not helped particularly in the UK by our bloody awful standards of policing)
Random Advice
If you hear weird noises in the night, simply make weirder noises to assert dominance.
Random Advice
Carry a fork with you. If someone tries to rob you, pull it out of your pocket and say, ‘thank you Lord for this meal I’m about to have’ and charge at them with the fork.Show All 17 Upvotes

Jake E • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
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Jake E • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Jake E • submitted a new post 2 years ago

Jake E • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
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Jake E • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

Jake E • upvoted 4 items 4 years ago

What Is Something You Know A Lot About
During quarantine I read the Harry Potter books a bunch and know I know a lot about them. I also love Disney and am a huge nerd.
Hey Pandas, What Are Tiny Things That Could Make The World Better?
A place without money struggles. Concept: No more money. people are depressed cuz they poor. People who do the terrible jobs get little tickets that give them better things. example: garbageman gets first class on flights for 5 tickets.
What Is Something You Know A Lot About
During quarantine I read the Harry Potter books a bunch and know I know a lot about them. I also love Disney and am a huge nerd.
Hey Pandas, What Are Tiny Things That Could Make The World Better?
A place without money struggles. Concept: No more money. people are depressed cuz they poor. People who do the terrible jobs get little tickets that give them better things. example: garbageman gets first class on flights for 5 tickets.Show All 4 Upvotes

Jake E • submitted 3 list additions 4 years ago

Jake E • commented on 2 posts 4 years ago

Jake E • submitted a new post 2 years ago

Jake E • submitted 4 new posts 4 years ago

Jake E • submitted a list addition 2 years ago

Jake E • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

Jake E • submitted 18 list additions 4 years ago

Jake E • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago

Jake E • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago

Jake E • commented on 9 posts 4 years ago

Jake E • upvoted 17 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Makes A Person Good?
As boring as it sounds, someone who understands the reason for rules and sticks to them no matter what. We seem to have about 3-4 generations who come from a level of entitlement that is just mind-bogglingly wrong on so many levels, to the point where they will actively break rules / the law if those rules and laws don't suit them. That's not the mark of a good person, that's the mark of someone who grew up without a steer on their moral compass (and it's not helped particularly in the UK by our bloody awful standards of policing)
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Makes A Person Good?
A Good person is someone that has compassion for others and shows kindness. They don't speak ill of others, but know where to draw the line in the sand through calm conversation and reasoning. A Good person is selfless, but knows how to take care of those around them without losing their ability to self-care. They don't judge, they don't gossip and they don't hold grudges. And a Good person takes responsibility for their own mistakes seeing them as learning opportunities and not failures. There is no perfectly Good Person out there. But you can strive to be a Good Person everyday to make a difference in other peoples lives and inspire them to be a Good Person too.
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Makes A Person Good?
If they are compassionate for when bad things happen to others.
Random Advice
If your kids suddenly start getting along and are nice to each other for no reason, be very suspicious.
Random Advice
If you don’t know where your kids are in the house, turn off the internet and watch them magically appear.
Jake E • upvoted an item 3 years ago

Jake E • upvoted 2 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Are Tiny Things That Could Make The World Better?
A place without money struggles. Concept: No more money. people are depressed cuz they poor. People who do the terrible jobs get little tickets that give them better things. example: garbageman gets first class on flights for 5 tickets.
Jake E • 49 followers