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Bored isla
Community Member

1 posts
207 points
hiya nice to meet you ig?

Bored isla • upvoted 14 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
One time I got pneumonia and mono at the same time and the doctor was really confused on how to treat it because they have to be cured with different (opposite) methods
Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
Probably when I got stabbed. Or the time I had a raging fever & rainbow coloured s**t and, after a blood test, I was placed in a hazmat quarantine room. Or the time I was hospitalised with Covid. Or that time my Ulna decided it didn't want to be inside my skin anymore, just because a motorcyclist rode into me. Or the time a nail landed in my eye socket. It only grazed the eyeball, but didn't look healthy at all.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
One time I got pneumonia and mono at the same time and the doctor was really confused on how to treat it because they have to be cured with different (opposite) methods
Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
Probably when I got stabbed. Or the time I had a raging fever & rainbow coloured s**t and, after a blood test, I was placed in a hazmat quarantine room. Or the time I was hospitalised with Covid. Or that time my Ulna decided it didn't want to be inside my skin anymore, just because a motorcyclist rode into me. Or the time a nail landed in my eye socket. It only grazed the eyeball, but didn't look healthy at all.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
9 months ago I had my miracle baby via scheduled c- section. The plan being to have baby and tie my tubes in one shot. My older daughter had been born via emergency c - section 17 years before. What no one realized was that my first c - section had heeled badly and my abdomen was a giant mass of scar tissue. They couldn't get the baby out. It ended up taking 3 people to get her out. I was being jerked around like a tag doll there was an audible pop when they got her free it was an absolutely insane experience. My tubes couldn't be tied as they couldn't get to them. The scar is huge and the recovery was a nightmare.Show All 14 Upvotes

Bored isla • commented on 25 posts 1 year ago
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Bored isla • submitted a new post 1 year ago

Bored isla • submitted a new post 1 year ago
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Bored isla • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago

Bored isla • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
Probably when I got stabbed. Or the time I had a raging fever & rainbow coloured s**t and, after a blood test, I was placed in a hazmat quarantine room. Or the time I was hospitalised with Covid. Or that time my Ulna decided it didn't want to be inside my skin anymore, just because a motorcyclist rode into me. Or the time a nail landed in my eye socket. It only grazed the eyeball, but didn't look healthy at all.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
One time I got pneumonia and mono at the same time and the doctor was really confused on how to treat it because they have to be cured with different (opposite) methods
Hey Pandas, What's Your Medical 'Oh God' Moment?
9 months ago I had my miracle baby via scheduled c- section. The plan being to have baby and tie my tubes in one shot. My older daughter had been born via emergency c - section 17 years before. What no one realized was that my first c - section had heeled badly and my abdomen was a giant mass of scar tissue. They couldn't get the baby out. It ended up taking 3 people to get her out. I was being jerked around like a tag doll there was an audible pop when they got her free it was an absolutely insane experience. My tubes couldn't be tied as they couldn't get to them. The scar is huge and the recovery was a nightmare.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Bored isla • 1 follower