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I am a girl and as you can tell I love space and NASA. I love animals, drawing and watching Stranger Things and the new Netflix series I Am Not Okay With This. I also love to read and play with cute babies. I am a diehard Harry Potter fan and I am in the house Ravenclaw. People say I am such a chatterbox and that is because I am a chatterbox. I was born with a busy mind and I am very smart ( if I do say so myself). I am a known procrastinator but somehow hate doing things that people want me to do and do what I want to do. That's weird right? I hate glitter and love camo. I really hate stereotypes. I wonder very silly things sometimes like if the rule is i before e why is weird spelt like that. Like I said I was cursed(cursed or blessed you decide) with a busy mind. I sometimes feel like I have a motor in my mouth or in this case fingers cause I am typing. Well that is all I have to say.