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Henk Loorbach
Community Member
6 posts
87 points
I’m a director with a background in art, based in Amsterdam. I make commercials, music videos, and other cool things. I like rum, sun, discounts, and strange stuff.
Henk Loorbach • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Henk Loorbach • upvoted 3 items 7 months ago
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Henk Loorbach • upvoted 3 items 8 months ago
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Henk Loorbach • commented on 4 posts 8 months ago
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Henk Loorbach • upvoted 17 items 9 months ago
My friends who I haven't seen in YEARS went camping with me recently for four days. I got back and my wife asked me what's been going on in their lives. I pondered and said that I don't really know beyond some got married at some point, one had a kid but I don't know when, and that we mainly talked random stuff. One night we had ended up making a tier list of dipping sauces over three hours.normal-things-men-but-shocking-for-women
My friends who I haven't seen in YEARS went camping with me recently for four days. I got back and my wife asked me what's been going on in their lives. I pondered and said that I don't really know beyond some got married at some point, one had a kid but I don't know when, and that we mainly talked random stuff. One night we had ended up making a tier list of dipping sauces over three hours.Portman88 reply
Mainly mind blowing to my wife. When something in the house breaks, needs repairing, repainting, generally attended to. I don't have an automatic man signal straight to my brain that tells me what to do. I have to go away, watch YouTube videos, read methods, roam around B&Q for a solution. It takes failed attempts and roaming around the offending situation cursing to myself when no one around untill I either fix it. Or call another male via form of payment to fix it because I'm out of my depth. My wife is under the impression her role is to identify something is wrong and just hand it to me because I will "know what to do".DeaddyRuxpin reply
The first time my wife showered with me she stops and says “it’s moving! Are you doing that? Why is it moving?” That was when I realized, if you don’t have a dong, you don’t know that they can move around as your testicles move, nor do you know that testicles move around all the time on their own. Particularly in an environment where the temperature is getting either hot or cold, like a shower. Balls move and balls itch. It’s what they do. And d***s have a mind of their own. Don’t ask me why it’s hard, I’ve been asking it that since I hit puberty.Outrageous-Mail-1267 reply
We clean off s**t stuck to the inside of the toilet bowl when we p**s. It ain’t much but it’s honest work.RepresentativeDog141 reply
How disposable we feel. Like Chris Rock said, "Only women, children, and puppies are loved unconditionally ".Show All 17 Upvotes
Henk Loorbach • commented on 6 posts 9 months ago
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Henk Loorbach • commented on a post 11 months ago
Henk Loorbach • upvoted 5 items 1 year ago
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Henk Loorbach • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Henk Loorbach • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Henk Loorbach • commented on 4 posts 8 months ago
Henk Loorbach • commented on 6 posts 9 months ago
Henk Loorbach • commented on a post 11 months ago
Henk Loorbach • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Henk Loorbach • upvoted an item 4 months ago
Henk Loorbach • upvoted 3 items 7 months ago
Henk Loorbach • upvoted 16 items 8 months ago
Portman88 reply
Mainly mind blowing to my wife. When something in the house breaks, needs repairing, repainting, generally attended to. I don't have an automatic man signal straight to my brain that tells me what to do. I have to go away, watch YouTube videos, read methods, roam around B&Q for a solution. It takes failed attempts and roaming around the offending situation cursing to myself when no one around untill I either fix it. Or call another male via form of payment to fix it because I'm out of my depth. My wife is under the impression her role is to identify something is wrong and just hand it to me because I will "know what to do".RepresentativeDog141 reply
How disposable we feel. Like Chris Rock said, "Only women, children, and puppies are loved unconditionally ".Outrageous-Mail-1267 reply
We clean off s**t stuck to the inside of the toilet bowl when we p**s. It ain’t much but it’s honest work.normal-things-men-but-shocking-for-women
My friends who I haven't seen in YEARS went camping with me recently for four days. I got back and my wife asked me what's been going on in their lives. I pondered and said that I don't really know beyond some got married at some point, one had a kid but I don't know when, and that we mainly talked random stuff. One night we had ended up making a tier list of dipping sauces over three hours.DeaddyRuxpin reply
The first time my wife showered with me she stops and says “it’s moving! Are you doing that? Why is it moving?” That was when I realized, if you don’t have a dong, you don’t know that they can move around as your testicles move, nor do you know that testicles move around all the time on their own. Particularly in an environment where the temperature is getting either hot or cold, like a shower. Balls move and balls itch. It’s what they do. And d***s have a mind of their own. Don’t ask me why it’s hard, I’ve been asking it that since I hit puberty.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Henk Loorbach • 12 followers