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FB and Twitter are toxic, sign out and forget
I I • commented on 31 posts 1 year ago
Show All 31 Comments
I I • upvoted 7 items 1 year ago
kittyglitther reply
I'm a mostly solo traveler who doesn't care about making friends/meeting people. I've never stayed in a hostel. I don't like traveling more than 2-3 weeks. I'm buying a magnet from a stupid souvenir shop. I travel to relax, not to hold myself to rules written by someone else regarding what "real" travel is.kittyglitther reply
I'm a mostly solo traveler who doesn't care about making friends/meeting people. I've never stayed in a hostel. I don't like traveling more than 2-3 weeks. I'm buying a magnet from a stupid souvenir shop. I travel to relax, not to hold myself to rules written by someone else regarding what "real" travel is.starfish_80 reply
Limiting contact and then going no contact with my ultra conservative, bigoted, toxic family. No birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, graduation gifts, anniversary gifts, mother's day and father's day gifts, baby shower gifts, travel expenses, and no therapy bills for the depression they created.Jackmoved reply
My library loans out ps5, Xbox series, and switch games. I've probably saved over $1000 never buying a single player game anymore. I also get to test out mutliplayer games before I commit to buying.HamboneJone reply
Quit smoking for health reasons, a pack a day is $7. Ended up saving around $220 dollars a month. Started ordering grocery pickup, because I'm lazy and hate going in the store. Turns out I not only save money but I lost weight. Because I actually eat better and I'm not impulse buying anything I don't need._samiracle reply
I started using a menstrual cup. Originally I was researching organic tampons bc I was worried about TSS and the environment so that ultimately led me to reusable period products. I haven’t bought tampons/pads since 2018 which has saved me hundreds of dollars and I’ve dramatically cut down the amount of waste I produce from my menstrual cycle!Show All 7 Upvotes
I I • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
I I • submitted a new post 3 years ago
I I • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
I I • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
I I • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
I I • upvoted 7 items 1 year ago
kittyglitther reply
I'm a mostly solo traveler who doesn't care about making friends/meeting people. I've never stayed in a hostel. I don't like traveling more than 2-3 weeks. I'm buying a magnet from a stupid souvenir shop. I travel to relax, not to hold myself to rules written by someone else regarding what "real" travel is.HamboneJone reply
Quit smoking for health reasons, a pack a day is $7. Ended up saving around $220 dollars a month. Started ordering grocery pickup, because I'm lazy and hate going in the store. Turns out I not only save money but I lost weight. Because I actually eat better and I'm not impulse buying anything I don't need.starfish_80 reply
Limiting contact and then going no contact with my ultra conservative, bigoted, toxic family. No birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, graduation gifts, anniversary gifts, mother's day and father's day gifts, baby shower gifts, travel expenses, and no therapy bills for the depression they created.Jackmoved reply
My library loans out ps5, Xbox series, and switch games. I've probably saved over $1000 never buying a single player game anymore. I also get to test out mutliplayer games before I commit to buying._samiracle reply
I started using a menstrual cup. Originally I was researching organic tampons bc I was worried about TSS and the environment so that ultimately led me to reusable period products. I haven’t bought tampons/pads since 2018 which has saved me hundreds of dollars and I’ve dramatically cut down the amount of waste I produce from my menstrual cycle! I I • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
CiderDrinker reply
Avoid people who are very polite and charming when they *want* something from those 'above' them, but are arrogant and demanding when they think they can *take* something from those 'below' them. People who 'smile up' and 'kick down' are the worst. I I • is following a person
I I • 110 followers