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1 posts
382 points
Ask me about anything. Not saying i have the correct answer, but that doesn't stop you from asking!

Weddfire • commented on 3 posts 6 years ago
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Weddfire • upvoted 3 items 6 years ago
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Weddfire • upvoted 10 items 7 years ago

People Share The Most Ridiculous Reasons Why They Ended Their Relationships (Add Yours)
I broke up with this guy after going out twice because he ended up having NO sense of humor & I love to laugh. After I broke up with him I started getting multiple phone calls on a daily basis from car dealerships - they would always start the conversation off with "Im sorry but I know Im going to pronounce your name wrong"...followed by names such as: Ms. Cuntarella, Ms. Bitschface & Ms. Fatasse. IM NOT KIDDING YALL. Sad thing is, I laughed SO HARD because damn, thats original!Show All 10 Upvotes

Weddfire • commented on 22 posts 7 years ago
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Weddfire • submitted 2 list additions 7 years ago

Weddfire • submitted 3 list additions 7 years ago

Weddfire • commented on 3 posts 6 years ago

Weddfire • commented on 17 posts 7 years ago

Weddfire • upvoted 4 items 6 years ago

Weddfire • upvoted 13 items 7 years ago

People Share The Most Ridiculous Reasons Why They Ended Their Relationships (Add Yours)
I broke up with this guy after going out twice because he ended up having NO sense of humor & I love to laugh. After I broke up with him I started getting multiple phone calls on a daily basis from car dealerships - they would always start the conversation off with "Im sorry but I know Im going to pronounce your name wrong"...followed by names such as: Ms. Cuntarella, Ms. Bitschface & Ms. Fatasse. IM NOT KIDDING YALL. Sad thing is, I laughed SO HARD because damn, thats original!
How Do You Deal With Sadness?
Well , to be honest, I'm that kind of person who cannot be on it's own for a long time. If I'm alone for more than few hours I'm very often overthinking stuff and being rather pesimistic about myself. That usually leads to sadness or mild depression. The only thing which helps me overcome this, is simply go out and be among people, even strangers. I often go shopping to the nearest supermarket, even that I don't really need anything, just to be around people.
How Do You Deal With Sadness?
I start laying around and curling up into an armadillo. Then I think no. I'm not going to let some pr*ck (life) f*ck with me. Because when life gives me lemons, I set them on fire and burn life's house down. And then I go play video games to let all that excess rage out. So basically I just turn sadness into rage. Yep that's it. I'm done.
Weddfire • upvoted 3 items 8 years ago
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