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Ted B
Community Member

10 posts
146 points
News anchor.

Ted B • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
Show All 11 Comments

Ted B • upvoted 23 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Conspiracy Theory Do You Believe To Your Core But Have No Evidence For?
I believe that kindness still exists.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Controversial Opinion On A Popular Book Series?
The Lord of the Rings book series is so boring! I don't need 50 pages to describe what a forest looks like!
Hey Pandas, What Are Your Thoughts On Queen Elizabeth's Death?
I work as a news anchor at a small station, and I messed up and said Queen Elizabeth instead of "King Charles" and just started crying. She was my queen for so long, and always will be in my heart.
Hey Pandas, What Is A Way You've Gotten Revenge, And Do You Regret It?
I got to be happy in my new relationship after waisting 16 years of my life with a narcicist... That is the best revenge ever and it feel so good
Hey Pandas, What Is A Way You've Gotten Revenge, And Do You Regret It?
I used to work with a girl who started dating my ex boyfriend after he and I broke up. They had just started dating when she came into work saying she was pregnant. I called him at his job and wished him congratulations. He was dumbfounded and denied everything. She was so humiliated when I told everyone she had lied. She quit that next day. And, no, I don’t regret it at all.Show All 23 Upvotes

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Ted B • submitted a list addition 3 years ago

Ted B • commented on 15 posts 2 years ago

50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group

Ted B • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Conspiracy Theory Do You Believe To Your Core But Have No Evidence For?
I believe that kindness still exists.
Hey Pandas, What's Your Controversial Opinion On A Popular Book Series?
The Lord of the Rings book series is so boring! I don't need 50 pages to describe what a forest looks like!
Hey Pandas, What Are Your Thoughts On Queen Elizabeth's Death?
I work as a news anchor at a small station, and I messed up and said Queen Elizabeth instead of "King Charles" and just started crying. She was my queen for so long, and always will be in my heart.
Hey Pandas, Who Was A Celebrity That You Once Respected, But No Longer Do?
Elon Musk. He seemed really clever, like Tony Stark IRL. Then he started talking and tweeting.
Hey Pandas, What Is A Way You've Gotten Revenge, And Do You Regret It?
Maybe late to the party, but anyway. My high school physics teacher told "jokes" about torturing and killing his neighbour's cats, also made misogynistic comments as a "joke". So for the mandatory course I studied extra hard and got the best grade, and the teacher had written a comment on my test: "why aren't you taking more physics courses?" Well, because of you... But it was a rather stupid thing to do, my future plans involved physics and ended up studying the stuff at the university. Might have saved a couple years of my life had I taken the classes in high school. But still, if I could go back in time, I might not change anything.
Hey Pandas, What Is A Way You've Gotten Revenge, And Do You Regret It?
I used to work with a girl who started dating my ex boyfriend after he and I broke up. They had just started dating when she came into work saying she was pregnant. I called him at his job and wished him congratulations. He was dumbfounded and denied everything. She was so humiliated when I told everyone she had lied. She quit that next day. And, no, I don’t regret it at all.
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