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Mikey !
Community Member
3 posts
710 points
Your local raging dumpster fire, conquering the world one embarrassing special interest at a time. Homestuck brainrot is eternal.
Mikey ! • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Trusted Your Gut And Ended Up Being Right?
Around 2010 I was working in Tokyo in a small office with a shelf full of random but critical IT equipment. It had been bugging me for a long time that said shelf was very poorly secured and would be a liability (in terms of physical damage and possible lost business), should a major earthquake occur. I raised the issue several times, but was told not to worry, as it would be too much disruption and hassle. However late in 2010 I finally decided to go into the office very early one morning(to minimize disruption~ and not only rearranged the whole shelf so the heavy equipment was at the bottom, but also added some basic "earthquake proofing". A few months later the big earthquake of March 2011 hits, and pleased to say the shelf and its equipment remained upright and intact and the business stayed operational.Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Trusted Your Gut And Ended Up Being Right?
Around 2010 I was working in Tokyo in a small office with a shelf full of random but critical IT equipment. It had been bugging me for a long time that said shelf was very poorly secured and would be a liability (in terms of physical damage and possible lost business), should a major earthquake occur. I raised the issue several times, but was told not to worry, as it would be too much disruption and hassle. However late in 2010 I finally decided to go into the office very early one morning(to minimize disruption~ and not only rearranged the whole shelf so the heavy equipment was at the bottom, but also added some basic "earthquake proofing". A few months later the big earthquake of March 2011 hits, and pleased to say the shelf and its equipment remained upright and intact and the business stayed operational.Show All 3 Upvotes
Mikey ! • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Mikey ! • commented on a post 3 years ago
Mikey ! • commented on 5 posts 7 years ago
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Mikey ! • upvoted 28 items 7 years ago
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Mikey ! • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Mikey ! • submitted 2 list additions 8 years ago
Mikey ! • submitted 15 list additions 9 years ago
Mikey ! • commented on a post 3 years ago
Mikey ! • commented on 13 posts 7 years ago
Mikey ! • commented on 6 posts 8 years ago
Mikey ! • upvoted 3 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Trusted Your Gut And Ended Up Being Right?
Around 2010 I was working in Tokyo in a small office with a shelf full of random but critical IT equipment. It had been bugging me for a long time that said shelf was very poorly secured and would be a liability (in terms of physical damage and possible lost business), should a major earthquake occur. I raised the issue several times, but was told not to worry, as it would be too much disruption and hassle. However late in 2010 I finally decided to go into the office very early one morning(to minimize disruption~ and not only rearranged the whole shelf so the heavy equipment was at the bottom, but also added some basic "earthquake proofing". A few months later the big earthquake of March 2011 hits, and pleased to say the shelf and its equipment remained upright and intact and the business stayed operational. Mikey ! • upvoted 16 items 7 years ago
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