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Fine, I’ll write something about myself. I love uncomfortable, thought provoking conversations because that is what causes change. I love Little Mix, Marvel, reading, and playing euphonium. I am a major history lover because it’s basically thousands of years worth of “whoops, maybe we shouldn’t have done that”, so I don’t repeat it. Or you could also think of it as thousands of years worth of “that didn’t work. Let’s try something else”, so I do. And I think that we don’t do a good job teaching it to people. Then, maybe we wouldn’t need a site like BP to try and fix our thousand year old societal problems.

Hey Pandas, What's Something You Wish You Could Have Told Your Younger Self?
Brush your teeth. I never developed that habit, and now I don’t ever remember to do it until there’s a dentist appointment coming up. Also, don’t keep rereading the same books over and over. You know you love to read, and it would serve you well to branch out.
Hey Pandas, What Silly Thing Did You Use To Believe As A Kid?
I didn’t understand the concept of centuries when I was a kid. I thought that as a rule, anyone who was born in the 1900s died when the year 2000 started. All the adults in the world were then born, and they grew up really fast in order to have kids. My parents were married in 2001, so by my own logic, they grew up in a year. My young brain didn’t have an answer as to why my grandparents were still alive, nor did it have an explanation for why I took more than a year to grow up. I also thought that babies teleported themselves outside of the mother. Like, one second you’re pregnant, and the next, your baby is in your arms. I thought it was a fast, painless process. I did not enjoy learning about reality.
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Wish You Could Have Told Your Younger Self?
Your therapist won't be disappointed bc u cut again. Just fcking tell her
Hey Pandas, What's A Common Stereotype That Gets On Your Nerves?
A lot of people assume that because I have autism, I couldn't possibly be smart enough to be in advanced placement classes. This leads to a lot of hassle about scheduling and it's kinda annoying

Hey Pandas, What's A Common Stereotype That Gets On Your Nerves?
A lot of people assume that because I have autism, I couldn't possibly be smart enough to be in advanced placement classes. This leads to a lot of hassle about scheduling and it's kinda annoying
Hey Pandas, What's A Common Stereotype That Gets On Your Nerves?
All autistic people are cisgender white males, good at math, socially awkward, and have a special interest in trains.
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Wish You Could Have Told Your Younger Self?
Brush your teeth. I never developed that habit, and now I don’t ever remember to do it until there’s a dentist appointment coming up. Also, don’t keep rereading the same books over and over. You know you love to read, and it would serve you well to branch out.
Hey Pandas, What's Something You Wish You Could Have Told Your Younger Self?
Your therapist won't be disappointed bc u cut again. Just fcking tell her
Hey Pandas, What Silly Thing Did You Use To Believe As A Kid?
I didn’t understand the concept of centuries when I was a kid. I thought that as a rule, anyone who was born in the 1900s died when the year 2000 started. All the adults in the world were then born, and they grew up really fast in order to have kids. My parents were married in 2001, so by my own logic, they grew up in a year. My young brain didn’t have an answer as to why my grandparents were still alive, nor did it have an explanation for why I took more than a year to grow up. I also thought that babies teleported themselves outside of the mother. Like, one second you’re pregnant, and the next, your baby is in your arms. I thought it was a fast, painless process. I did not enjoy learning about reality.