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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
TheAnnoyingFriend • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago
MissySedai reply
I'm told mine has no creativity. It's a fist-sized peach, between my upper shoulder blades. I got it for my 50th birthday, to honor the childhood nickname my Opa gave me. He's been gone 29 years, I still miss him every day. I've been told the next one I'm getting is similarly boring. A pomegranate with 6 seeds missing and my granddaughter's name and date of birth. Her name is Korra, an epithet of Persephone meaning "Heart". I'm OK with being "boring". My ink is for ME.rabbidbunnyjd reply
I have a dolphin on my calf because I really wanted to be a marine biologist when I was 17. I'm in the medical field and it serves no porpoise now.roasttrumpet reply
We were having an argument, although I can’t remember what about, when I very calmly asked him to explain what made him think that, and he said “I hate arguing with you because you always make me realise I’m wrong!”marceliiine reply
One night he turned to me and said "You're a bit of a scientist" (I was taking biology in high school, he was in college for music). "Can you explain how I can take frozen yogurt from the freezer, put it in the fridge, and it melts?" and I, already concerned, replied "well the fridge is warmer it's not cold enough to keep it frozen" and he the asked "but it's still cold?" and I had to explain that there are different levels of cold? Somewhere along the way I said "cold is the absence of heat like darkness is the absence of light" and he was so mind.blown by that.MenudoMenudo reply
She didn't know that yogurt and pudding were not the same thing. She thought it was like how the British call fries "chips". She had been eating pudding and granola for breakfast for months and congratulating herself for being so healthy. She also baked baby Jesus a birthday cake on Christmas, lit a candle and took it outside. When the wind blew the candle out, she was convinced it Jesus that blew it out.Show All 39 Upvotes
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40 Bizarre Treasures That Could Only Be Found In Secondhand Shops, As Shared On “Charity Shop Stuff”
TheAnnoyingFriend • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
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