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This panda isn't lazy, just didn't want to write anything.
Hey Pandas, If You Died And Became A Ghost What Would You Do?
Haunt the dude who stalked me... see how he enjoys never feeling safe in his own home and having his life turned upsidedown while his sanity slowly erodes under the unending stress and paranoia. I'd be one of those ghosts that interacts with lights, but instead of a light switch I would cause the flash on his phone to go off, straight up take photos of him with his own phone from impossible angles... heading him with the sound of the camera shutter. ... after I get bored with him i'd probably then haunt the police officers who didn't help, especially the f****r that said "wow it must be flattering knowing you have that sort of power over someone, you must be something special"... when I was reporting that my stalker (27m at the time) had shown up drunk to my uni and assaulted me (18f at the time) (grabbed my arm, shoved me to the ground, ripped my shirt, dragged me by my hair, spat on me-- because I refused to go to his house). He didn't follow up, figured that it was probably a one time thing and I was over reacting even though I had 6months of evidence that he was stalking me and getting increasingly unhinged-- them not acting meant he got to steal me for alot longer, so... yeah, how would he feel having a poltergeist show up to his work, grab him and shove him around in front of coworkers-- see how flattered he feels to have made such an impression.
Hey Pandas, What’s The Nicest Thing A Stranger Has Ever Done For You?
In my first or second year of uni, I was living at home and attending school in a different city. At the time I didn't have a license so I would bus 2hrs each way with 1 transfer. One evening, I had to stay late on campus so finally arrived at the mall at like 11:01pm. Unfortunately, by that time the second bus only came once an hour and had just left. It was late fall and raining so I huddled into the only bus shelter on that side of the terminal. Inside there was a nurse and a middle-aged dude. The middle aged guy was very into Jack Sparrow-- not Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow-- he had the same tattoos, wrote his eyeliner the same way and had grown out his hair to be able the same length. He naturally started to hit on me (I was only 18)-- to the point that the nurse told him to lay off a little bit didn't want to get too involved so put in earbuds. He kept trying to talk to me, touch the edges of my clothes, touch my hair-- keep in mind the dude was about my dad's age. I tried to be polite but firm and tell him that while flattered, please stop because I had a fiancé and was taken (not true but I hoped the bluff would be enough). Buddy didn't get the hint and instead started to get much creepier. I kept looking at the nurse pleading for help, like one woman to another... now her expression was 'not my circus, not my monkeys' I told him firmly to stop, I'm not interested, I'm just trying to get home (no longer polite). He asked me if I had ever f**k*d a pirate before before following it up by saying he's never f**k*d a "mocha" girl before. I put on headphones hoping that would make him stop, but he continued, taking out an earbud, started asking really lewd questions (like if I would take off my coat so he could see what he's working with or if I like to call men daddy)... yeah, that was enough for me, I left the only shelter and decided to walk out in the rain (I was pretty reluctant because I had just gotten my hair done that morning and I didn't want to ruin it)... but he followed behind me. I went to a lit area and he grabbed my arm, pointing out that I don't have a ring, I'm not engaged, so i shouldn't pay so hard to get-- i yelled at him to leave me alone, that I want interested, to back off and that I wouldn't go home with him, or f**k him or anything, just... stop, I'm just trying to get home like everyone else. But he just kept persisting,e asked where my fiancé was, why he would let a "sl*t like [me]" out of his sight. He started trying to actually hold me, pushing me against the side of the building and I was just trying to get him to let go of me. Out of nowhere the dude got yanked back by his collar by some random dude. I recognized the guy as someone I'd seen at my busstop a few times, but any attempt to talk to him, was always met with silence. The dude was like that 'too cool' for the world vibe-- like black leather jacket, black biker boots, some indie-band tee. He never spoke, never smiled, just looked like he tolerated your prescence-- so I was super surprised by him intervening. So was Capt. Jack, who let go of me immediately and started trying to awkwardly fight back against the stranger. I'll never forget what the stranger said, he was like "she said no, or can you not hear that word" He started complaining that the guy should f**k off and that things didn't concern him-- to which the guy responded "it does when you're putting your hands on my fiancée" capt jack hesitated but decided it wasn't worth the trouble I guess. The stranger wrapped his arm around me and kept it up like "sorry it took me so long to get an umbrella, sweetie, but here, let's wait for our bus at the stop (before leading us to a different stop just in case the guy was going to watch what bus we were waiting for). After we saw Jack leave, we snuck back into the shelter, and introduced ourselves. I thanked him for rescuing me and he kind of just shrugged, said he had a sister and we never spoke again.
Hey Pandas, If You Died And Became A Ghost What Would You Do?
Haunt the dude who stalked me... see how he enjoys never feeling safe in his own home and having his life turned upsidedown while his sanity slowly erodes under the unending stress and paranoia. I'd be one of those ghosts that interacts with lights, but instead of a light switch I would cause the flash on his phone to go off, straight up take photos of him with his own phone from impossible angles... heading him with the sound of the camera shutter. ... after I get bored with him i'd probably then haunt the police officers who didn't help, especially the f****r that said "wow it must be flattering knowing you have that sort of power over someone, you must be something special"... when I was reporting that my stalker (27m at the time) had shown up drunk to my uni and assaulted me (18f at the time) (grabbed my arm, shoved me to the ground, ripped my shirt, dragged me by my hair, spat on me-- because I refused to go to his house). He didn't follow up, figured that it was probably a one time thing and I was over reacting even though I had 6months of evidence that he was stalking me and getting increasingly unhinged-- them not acting meant he got to steal me for alot longer, so... yeah, how would he feel having a poltergeist show up to his work, grab him and shove him around in front of coworkers-- see how flattered he feels to have made such an impression.
Hey Pandas, What’s The Nicest Thing A Stranger Has Ever Done For You?
In my first or second year of uni, I was living at home and attending school in a different city. At the time I didn't have a license so I would bus 2hrs each way with 1 transfer. One evening, I had to stay late on campus so finally arrived at the mall at like 11:01pm. Unfortunately, by that time the second bus only came once an hour and had just left. It was late fall and raining so I huddled into the only bus shelter on that side of the terminal. Inside there was a nurse and a middle-aged dude. The middle aged guy was very into Jack Sparrow-- not Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow-- he had the same tattoos, wrote his eyeliner the same way and had grown out his hair to be able the same length. He naturally started to hit on me (I was only 18)-- to the point that the nurse told him to lay off a little bit didn't want to get too involved so put in earbuds. He kept trying to talk to me, touch the edges of my clothes, touch my hair-- keep in mind the dude was about my dad's age. I tried to be polite but firm and tell him that while flattered, please stop because I had a fiancé and was taken (not true but I hoped the bluff would be enough). Buddy didn't get the hint and instead started to get much creepier. I kept looking at the nurse pleading for help, like one woman to another... now her expression was 'not my circus, not my monkeys' I told him firmly to stop, I'm not interested, I'm just trying to get home (no longer polite). He asked me if I had ever f**k*d a pirate before before following it up by saying he's never f**k*d a "mocha" girl before. I put on headphones hoping that would make him stop, but he continued, taking out an earbud, started asking really lewd questions (like if I would take off my coat so he could see what he's working with or if I like to call men daddy)... yeah, that was enough for me, I left the only shelter and decided to walk out in the rain (I was pretty reluctant because I had just gotten my hair done that morning and I didn't want to ruin it)... but he followed behind me. I went to a lit area and he grabbed my arm, pointing out that I don't have a ring, I'm not engaged, so i shouldn't pay so hard to get-- i yelled at him to leave me alone, that I want interested, to back off and that I wouldn't go home with him, or f**k him or anything, just... stop, I'm just trying to get home like everyone else. But he just kept persisting,e asked where my fiancé was, why he would let a "sl*t like [me]" out of his sight. He started trying to actually hold me, pushing me against the side of the building and I was just trying to get him to let go of me. Out of nowhere the dude got yanked back by his collar by some random dude. I recognized the guy as someone I'd seen at my busstop a few times, but any attempt to talk to him, was always met with silence. The dude was like that 'too cool' for the world vibe-- like black leather jacket, black biker boots, some indie-band tee. He never spoke, never smiled, just looked like he tolerated your prescence-- so I was super surprised by him intervening. So was Capt. Jack, who let go of me immediately and started trying to awkwardly fight back against the stranger. I'll never forget what the stranger said, he was like "she said no, or can you not hear that word" He started complaining that the guy should f**k off and that things didn't concern him-- to which the guy responded "it does when you're putting your hands on my fiancée" capt jack hesitated but decided it wasn't worth the trouble I guess. The stranger wrapped his arm around me and kept it up like "sorry it took me so long to get an umbrella, sweetie, but here, let's wait for our bus at the stop (before leading us to a different stop just in case the guy was going to watch what bus we were waiting for). After we saw Jack leave, we snuck back into the shelter, and introduced ourselves. I thanked him for rescuing me and he kind of just shrugged, said he had a sister and we never spoke again.