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2 posts
247 points
Hey, hey, hey! I'm Jaiden, and I like to draw. I don't really know what else to add, so I'll end it here-
Jaiden • commented on 17 posts 1 year ago
Show All 17 Comments
Jaiden • upvoted 21 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I keep seeing panda posts in my Google feed and they’re closed for contributions. So here I am!Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
Well, I was bored and my little son really LOVES pandas. So naturally I stuck around for all the good stuff.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
i was looking at posts without an account, but you all seemed nice, and i wanted to comment, so i convinced my parents to let me get an account.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I had lurked on here for ages but made an account to downvote some homophobic jerk :]Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I was bored and I'm a panda. It was kismetHey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
First of all i like more content about random stuff. Secondly, BP community is non-toxic.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
i saw a link for a dark humor post december 2021, finally made an account near the end of february 2022, got my phone taken away, couldn't log into first account, made new one, got banned, and now we're here.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I was lurking for a bit cause I liked the content then I made an account cause I wanted to comment, then I left for about a month, came back and changed my account name and pfp after transitioning. Now I'm here and you guys have to deal with meHey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
ive been on here for months without an account but i wanted to comment so now im hereHey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I saw a kid on the site during an after-school program, so I decided to check it out. This website is the only reason I survived that year of YMCA after-school supervision without dying of boredom.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I was on here for a bit without an account just looking at posts, then I wanted to comment so I made an account and boom DP 1 was born. Then I got banend, then BOOM! DP2 was born. Then the other account was unbanned so BOOM. How I have 2 useable accounts that both say magical unicorn cuz I’m a good sport even tho I beat Grookey.Show All 21 Upvotes
Jaiden • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Jaiden • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Jaiden • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Jaiden • submitted 3 list additions 1 year ago
Jaiden • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago
Jaiden • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Jaiden • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I keep seeing panda posts in my Google feed and they’re closed for contributions. So here I am!Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
Well, I was bored and my little son really LOVES pandas. So naturally I stuck around for all the good stuff.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
i was looking at posts without an account, but you all seemed nice, and i wanted to comment, so i convinced my parents to let me get an account.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I had lurked on here for ages but made an account to downvote some homophobic jerk :]Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I was bored and I'm a panda. It was kismetHey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
First of all i like more content about random stuff. Secondly, BP community is non-toxic.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
i saw a link for a dark humor post december 2021, finally made an account near the end of february 2022, got my phone taken away, couldn't log into first account, made new one, got banned, and now we're here.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I was lurking for a bit cause I liked the content then I made an account cause I wanted to comment, then I left for about a month, came back and changed my account name and pfp after transitioning. Now I'm here and you guys have to deal with meHey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
ive been on here for months without an account but i wanted to comment so now im hereHey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I saw a kid on the site during an after-school program, so I decided to check it out. This website is the only reason I survived that year of YMCA after-school supervision without dying of boredom.Hey Pandas, What Made You Join The Bored Panda Community?
I was on here for a bit without an account just looking at posts, then I wanted to comment so I made an account and boom DP 1 was born. Then I got banend, then BOOM! DP2 was born. Then the other account was unbanned so BOOM. How I have 2 useable accounts that both say magical unicorn cuz I’m a good sport even tho I beat Grookey. Jaiden • is following 2 people