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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
SnakeDog • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
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SnakeDog • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Is The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?
Well, I found around 20 gold dollars. But these aren’t any gold dollars, they’re really rare. Some were the Cheerios edition, and some were the Wounded Eagle. In total, the value of these coins is around $100,00!!! For a 13 year old, that’s pretty good.Hey Pandas, What Is The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?
Well, I found around 20 gold dollars. But these aren’t any gold dollars, they’re really rare. Some were the Cheerios edition, and some were the Wounded Eagle. In total, the value of these coins is around $100,00!!! For a 13 year old, that’s pretty good.Hey Pandas, How Do You Think The Virus Will End?
I think it will end after most people get their vaccines. The thing is though, it will never stop. It will always be out there, but not many people will be getting it.Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Trip You Have Ever Been On?
Me and my close family drive to Adelaide every now and then to see my grandparents. Every time we go there I have the time of my life, my cousins come down too most of the time and we do all sorts of things (mostly craft). There is also a park behind their house that we go to almost everyday when we are there, and it's also where we take annual family photos, since I was 6. It also gives me a nostalgic feeling because I used to live in Adelaide and would see my grandparents regularly, then we moved and I only ever see them every year or so. We also go and see some family friends when we are there and go to the park outside my very first house that we lived in when I was born (We moved when I was about 5 though). I can't explain the feeling of nostalgia when I'm there, but it's overwhelming. My grandparents have moved, so the big house that they had for almost 40 years is now gone. The parks are still there though! And me and my friends are planning a road-trip in the far future when we get our drivers licences and I am going to show them both places and drive around Adelaide and it's gonna be awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Trip You Have Ever Been On?
My partner and I were very fortunate to land a 12 week exploration of the Amazon rainforest! A biology team were looking to do a study and were 2 people short in the support team. In return for a free trip of a lifetime, we had to help with various tasks, from setting up camp & digging latrine holes to assisting collecting samples. We were warned it would be hard, but my wife and I never felt so alive! There was just so much to see and learn about. They referred to us as 'the kids' even though we were all about the same age, because we wouldn't stop asking questions or saying 'Can I do that?' whenever they were doing anything. To be completely surrounded by nature is like nothing else. The beauty, the danger, the plants, the animals, the surprise waterfall (our first wash in 2 weeks). We've since travelled around world, been to A LOT of countries, but only one place calls us back!Hey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It?
In 4th grade, there was a kid who would trip me in the hallway. After a month of him tripping me, I decided to do something about it. On the last day of school, the kid tripped me while I was holding owl dumps from the science lab, but before he did ( when I was rounding the corner) I untied the bags. So when he tripped me, I through the dumps at him, and he had his mouth open, so one landed in there. He left the school shortly after that.Show All 9 Upvotes
SnakeDog • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
SnakeDog • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Show All 3 Posts
SnakeDog • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
SnakeDog • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
SnakeDog • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
SnakeDog • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
Our Cat Had Kittens Two Days After We Had Our Baby Girl. This Kitten Climbs Into Her Lounger Whenever He Has The Chance. I Think These Two Were Destined To Be Best Buds
Hey Pandas, What Is The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?
Well, I found around 20 gold dollars. But these aren’t any gold dollars, they’re really rare. Some were the Cheerios edition, and some were the Wounded Eagle. In total, the value of these coins is around $100,00!!! For a 13 year old, that’s pretty good.Hey Pandas, How Do You Think The Virus Will End?
I think it will end after most people get their vaccines. The thing is though, it will never stop. It will always be out there, but not many people will be getting it.Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Trip You Have Ever Been On?
My partner and I were very fortunate to land a 12 week exploration of the Amazon rainforest! A biology team were looking to do a study and were 2 people short in the support team. In return for a free trip of a lifetime, we had to help with various tasks, from setting up camp & digging latrine holes to assisting collecting samples. We were warned it would be hard, but my wife and I never felt so alive! There was just so much to see and learn about. They referred to us as 'the kids' even though we were all about the same age, because we wouldn't stop asking questions or saying 'Can I do that?' whenever they were doing anything. To be completely surrounded by nature is like nothing else. The beauty, the danger, the plants, the animals, the surprise waterfall (our first wash in 2 weeks). We've since travelled around world, been to A LOT of countries, but only one place calls us back!Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Trip You Have Ever Been On?
Me and my close family drive to Adelaide every now and then to see my grandparents. Every time we go there I have the time of my life, my cousins come down too most of the time and we do all sorts of things (mostly craft). There is also a park behind their house that we go to almost everyday when we are there, and it's also where we take annual family photos, since I was 6. It also gives me a nostalgic feeling because I used to live in Adelaide and would see my grandparents regularly, then we moved and I only ever see them every year or so. We also go and see some family friends when we are there and go to the park outside my very first house that we lived in when I was born (We moved when I was about 5 though). I can't explain the feeling of nostalgia when I'm there, but it's overwhelming. My grandparents have moved, so the big house that they had for almost 40 years is now gone. The parks are still there though! And me and my friends are planning a road-trip in the far future when we get our drivers licences and I am going to show them both places and drive around Adelaide and it's gonna be awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Hey Pandas, What Is Your Worst Experience With A Bully And How Did You Resolve It?
In 4th grade, there was a kid who would trip me in the hallway. After a month of him tripping me, I decided to do something about it. On the last day of school, the kid tripped me while I was holding owl dumps from the science lab, but before he did ( when I was rounding the corner) I untied the bags. So when he tripped me, I through the dumps at him, and he had his mouth open, so one landed in there. He left the school shortly after that.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
SnakeDog • 3 followers