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Community Member
13 posts
60 points
Living in Shanghai and founder of Effy Creations: fashion, comics and... the rest.
Effy • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Effy • upvoted 7 items 3 years ago
They're Alive... Alive...! Oh, I Didn't See You. I Created Dresses, And Brought Them To Life With Stop Motion.
Architecture, Photography
I Fell Into Shanghai Art Deco Architectural Past And Pictured It Back (11 Pics)
Show All 7 Upvotes
Effy • submitted 31 list additions 3 years ago
Effy • submitted 5 new posts 3 years ago
They're Alive... Alive...! Oh, I Didn't See You. I Created Dresses, And Brought Them To Life With Stop Motion.
Effy • submitted 8 new posts 4 years ago
Effy • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Effy • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Effy • commented on a post 4 years ago
Effy • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
They're Alive... Alive...! Oh, I Didn't See You. I Created Dresses, And Brought Them To Life With Stop Motion.
Architecture, Photography
I Fell Into Shanghai Art Deco Architectural Past And Pictured It Back (11 Pics)
Hey Pandas, What Always Happens In Books But Never Happens In Real Life?
I have never spent time in front of the mirror contemplating my boobs and butt, which most male authors seem to think women do. (Mostly I admire my tattoos in the mirror and flex.)Hey Pandas, What Always Happens In Books But Never Happens In Real Life?
Identical twins with the same personality.Marie Curie
Marie Curie. FEARLESSLY diving into the unknown, using the machine her husband had invented, discovering and recording knowledge that benefits us all the cost of her very Life. The truest type of explorer there is. There should be statues of her at every nuclear facility, hospital and public park for what she has done, and lost, on our behalf.Hedy Lamarr
Hedy Lamarr, she was basically a female Bruce Wayne. She was a hardcore engineer, scientist, model, actress, linguist, entertainer, and humanitarian. At the same time as she was one of the highest paid actresses in the world and considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, she was engineering secret ground-breaking tech IN HER TRAILER between scenes. She invented frequency hopping that was used to target submarines and enforce the blockade of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and help prevent Armageddon... it’s also part of how GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi work. One of the best stories about her is that some rich dude was hitting on her by telling her he could get her on a Concord flight but she turned him down saying “a woman can fly faster without a man dragging her down”... then called the engineers and helped improve the design to make it faster and more stable. She was a prolific inventor, creating new items like fluorescent pet collars, proximity fuses, food flavorings, and other items until she died in 2000. Effy • is following 3 people
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