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Community Member

6 posts
1.2K points
I submit posts every week, (usually monday) and I'm not afraid to start an argument with someone :) (also very emotional and mature for a 6th grader lmao)

TheLazyPoki • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
Show All 12 Comments

TheLazyPoki • upvoted 26 items 3 years ago

Only 10% of people have Darwin's tubercle - the little bump on the outside of your ear. It's believed that people who have this are better at sensing voice tonality.
Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Thing A Parent Has Ever Said To You?
"Your words don't matter if I can't hear them." - My mother. I have a pretty soft voice IRL, and she said this as I was trying to show her something that I made for her.
Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Thing A Parent Has Ever Said To You?
me and my mom dont always get along so we were arguing over god knows what and i have to admit i really pissed her off so i told her that she only cares about herself (i actually kinda meant it tbh) so she told me that i have an ugly face so i told her that i can photoshop and ugly face but not an ugly peronality like hers. she was lost for words.
I Am Sorry For Ruining Your Childhood With My Comics About Video Games And Horror Movies (20 Pics)

Hey Pandas, How Do You React To Homophobia?
I just ask them why they are homophobic, and try to see the world in their shoes. If they won't even let me tell them that being homophobic is wrong, then I just end the convo right there. But if they do, I just accept that that is what they believe, and don't bother them about it anymore.Show All 26 Upvotes

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TheLazyPoki • submitted 6 new posts 3 years ago

TheLazyPoki • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago

TheLazyPoki • submitted 8 list additions 4 years ago

TheLazyPoki • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago

TheLazyPoki • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Only 10% of people have Darwin's tubercle - the little bump on the outside of your ear. It's believed that people who have this are better at sensing voice tonality.
Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Thing A Parent Has Ever Said To You?
"Your words don't matter if I can't hear them." - My mother. I have a pretty soft voice IRL, and she said this as I was trying to show her something that I made for her.
Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Thing A Parent Has Ever Said To You?
me and my mom dont always get along so we were arguing over god knows what and i have to admit i really pissed her off so i told her that she only cares about herself (i actually kinda meant it tbh) so she told me that i have an ugly face so i told her that i can photoshop and ugly face but not an ugly peronality like hers. she was lost for words.
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