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3 posts
63 points
I like stuff and I'm normal atleast anyway
sunset • commented on 2 posts 4 months ago
sunset • submitted a new post 4 months ago
sunset • upvoted an item 4 months ago
sunset • upvoted 9 items 5 months ago
Hey Pandas, What's One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
When I was about 6 or 7. I was with brother and 2 sisters, all over 17 years old. My sister called me a fruit cake, can't remember why, but I responded "" If I'm a fruit cake then eat me." My siblings were laughing hysterically. When I was about 13 I realized why they were laughing so hard.😅Hey Pandas, What's One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
The 8-year-old brother is sitting in front of the TV. His 6-year-old brother comes in excitedly and says, »Come along, there's a warm condom lying behind the little transformer house.«, and the older brother asks, »What's that, a transformer house?«🔌 🤹🏽 ⚡Hey Pandas, What's One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
When I was about 6 or 7. I was with brother and 2 sisters, all over 17 years old. My sister called me a fruit cake, can't remember why, but I responded "" If I'm a fruit cake then eat me." My siblings were laughing hysterically. When I was about 13 I realized why they were laughing so hard.😅Hey Pandas, What's One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
The 8-year-old brother is sitting in front of the TV. His 6-year-old brother comes in excitedly and says, »Come along, there's a warm condom lying behind the little transformer house.«, and the older brother asks, »What's that, a transformer house?«🔌 🤹🏽 ⚡Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Moment Of Your Life?
Rolling down to my lowest during Limbo at the roller rink. Just being at the roller rink every week was the best days. My 2nd and last dance recital. I liked hanging out with the older dancers, and they all thought I was so cute in my little tutu. (Back then, more people liked kids than they do now.) Finding my own place on my own, that isn't a ghetto s**t hole. Taking my first international trip I planned and prepped all on my own.Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Moment Of Your Life?
The moment after my first band concert. The feeling of accomplishment and success was so strong that it almost overwhelmed me. I'd never felt that kind of happiness before. That's when I knew that I'd be doing band for the rest of my life, and I plan on sticking to that promise.Show All 9 Upvotes
sunset • submitted a new post 5 months ago
sunset • commented on 3 posts 5 months ago
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sunset • commented on 5 posts 6 months ago
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sunset • upvoted 7 items 6 months ago
Show All 7 Upvotes
sunset • submitted a new post 6 months ago
sunset • upvoted an item 7 years ago
sunset • submitted a new post 4 months ago
sunset • submitted a new post 5 months ago
sunset • submitted a new post 6 months ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
sunset • commented on 2 posts 4 months ago
sunset • commented on 3 posts 5 months ago
sunset • commented on 5 posts 6 months ago
sunset • upvoted an item 4 months ago
sunset • upvoted 15 items 5 months ago
Hey Pandas, What's One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
When I was about 6 or 7. I was with brother and 2 sisters, all over 17 years old. My sister called me a fruit cake, can't remember why, but I responded "" If I'm a fruit cake then eat me." My siblings were laughing hysterically. When I was about 13 I realized why they were laughing so hard.😅Hey Pandas, What's One Joke That Got Over Your Head As A Kid But You Understand It Now?
The 8-year-old brother is sitting in front of the TV. His 6-year-old brother comes in excitedly and says, »Come along, there's a warm condom lying behind the little transformer house.«, and the older brother asks, »What's that, a transformer house?«🔌 🤹🏽 ⚡Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Moment Of Your Life?
Rolling down to my lowest during Limbo at the roller rink. Just being at the roller rink every week was the best days. My 2nd and last dance recital. I liked hanging out with the older dancers, and they all thought I was so cute in my little tutu. (Back then, more people liked kids than they do now.) Finding my own place on my own, that isn't a ghetto s**t hole. Taking my first international trip I planned and prepped all on my own.Hey Pandas, What Was The Best Moment Of Your Life?
The moment after my first band concert. The feeling of accomplishment and success was so strong that it almost overwhelmed me. I'd never felt that kind of happiness before. That's when I knew that I'd be doing band for the rest of my life, and I plan on sticking to that promise.Hey Pandas What The Best Moments Of Your Life
When my crush actually turned up for the date. I was terrified she said yes and then not turn up but as soon as I saw her smile outside the cinema I couldn't stop smiling for the entire week after. sunset • upvoted 3 items 6 months ago
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