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It's time for a crusade!! Deus vult!

TheHolyFatherOfToast • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
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TheHolyFatherOfToast • upvoted 29 items 3 years ago

50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job

He came-up to me and said: "I was wondering if you could help me. I, um, seem to have lost my Congressional Medal of Honor around here somewhere."
When I was 10 I received a love letter from a boy. It contained a flower inside, and at the bottom of the letter he wrote some cheat codes for Mortal Kombat for me. He knew I was always playing that game on my Sega.
I like sunsets - they're kind of my thing. I photograph them, have sold calendars about them. I just like sunsets. Anyway... I was participating in a medical study, and we were sequestered to our room for 14 days. The guy I liked would send me pictures of the sunset each night, because he didn't want me to miss any. Edit: To those saying "Marry Him".... I did... and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a big reason why I did. I didnt say that in my post because it turned out to be a very verbally and emotionally abusive relationship, and I left him in December. I didn't want to turn a beautiful thing into something sad and negative. I don't want to discourage anyone from falling for the sweet gestures. They aren't always attached to a manipulator. I'm sorry the update isn't entirely the happy one you wanted to hear. Believe me, it's not the one I want to be posting.
Was riding home with the friends group back in 2008. We stopped to drop off the one guy, and I got out to stretch. I mentioned that the stars were so much more visible up there in the mountains and he said, "Yeah, they're really pretty. Wish I had someone to watch em with." I'm a sucker for corny guys. We got married the next year and are celebrating 12 years this June.
Last year of college for us. He'd show up after my classes and follow me around everywhere, talking incessantly. When he'd see me on campus he'd run over to say hi. I would flirt by sometimes picking a little wildflower to give to him when I saw him next that day. He'd wear it in his shirt or behind his ear. We now have 2 sons and he's taught the older one (younger is a baby) to give me little wildflowers when we're out walking together. 😀
I was walking on my university campus, tripped and dropped my books. (Heeled sandals, raised sidewalk) He asked me if I was ok, and picked up my books. He then carried my books and walked me to class. We chatted the entire walk, and when we got to my class, he asked for my phone number. I tore off a piece of paper, and wrote it, but without my name. I wanted to see if he was listening when I told him. He listened. We’ve been married over 20 years. He makes me smile every day.
Told me at a Halloween party that he had his eye on me. Proceeded to hand me a squishy eyeball
We met at a Halloween house party and when I was going to leave he walked me to the room with all the coats which also happened to be a kids room and he asked me “what color crayon would you like to write your phone number with?” I married him. Celebrated 20 years.
I once had a guy walk up to me at a bar and said, “hello, my name is Rob and I’ll be hitting on you tonight; what can I get you to drink”. Silly, playful, and direct. We dated for about eight months. Edit: For anyone wanting to use this line, he said it in a playful way with a huge smile. 😊
I had a boyfriend who was really into working out and martial arts. I asked him to show me a move and he swept my feet out from under me, then caught me and kissed me. Hottest thing ever
I met my (now) husband while I was in the hospital ... He worked there and I was a frequent patient unfortunately. Anyway, he would bring daffodils to my room. Or apple juice. He "snuck" me extra warm blankets and would sit with me before/after his shift. When I got out, he offered to get groceries and wash my hair. All of it just as a friend. He knew I wasn't interested in dating while going through everything and so he was just THERE. Turns out I happened to like him THERE and we are celebrating our 12th anniversary this year.
We were classmates in college and one morning, I called him on my way to school (I lived over an hour away and we usually called and chatted while I drove) and complained about a headache. When I got to school, he was there with ibuprofen, water, and one of those yogurt parfait thingies. I also made a comment once about my eyeliner running out, and he brought one to school the next day. Found out from his brother after we started dating that he had spent like an hour at the store asking the makeup employees for the right one since he had no idea what an eyeliner pen was. We've been married for four years now and he's still a total sweetheart Edit: To clarify to those saying this could be creepy behavior, it definitely could in a different situation. I don't recommend doing this with someone you don't have a good base with. If you like to do nice things for people, don't make it seem like you expect anything in return. We already had a pretty solid friendship and he was (and still is) honestly the best friend I'd ever had. He never made any advances on me or put any pressure on our relationship. I used to wonder if he was just nice or if he actually liked me, that's how good he was at being chill! I ended up confessing my feelings to him a few months later. I come from an abusive family, so having him be there for me, listen to me, respect my boundaries, etc was mind-blowing. He's been a great partner and I'm very thankful for people like him
Just being genuinely nice. My boyfriend was too shy to flirt with me at first since were only friends, so he texted me saying I looked really nice that day after seeing me, and it was such a simple thing but it really made my day better. And that can let the person know you are interested in them. It doesn’t need to be a big scheme.
He said "I have a riddle for you" then he took my hand and traced a line down the middle of my palm. "This is a river. It is too wide to jump over, do deep to wade across, too fast to swim across, and too long to go around. There is a bunny stuck on one side of it. How does the bunny cross the river?" After about 10 minutes of me trying to guess the answer I gave up and asked him how the bunny got across the river. He said "who cares? I just wanted to hold your hand!"
Told me he like to draw and asked for my number so he could send me some examples. Then he freehanded a picture of a moose for me.
We were 15. Opening credits of the movie started. He put his arm around me and said “If I’m going to start flirting, I’d better start early.” Been together 23 years!
We’d met previously and he was trying to get out of the friend zone quickly . I told him I was too busy to date. He offered to hang out with me while I plowed through a ton of errands including an oil change, getting gas, returning shoes, picking up cleaning, and blowing up balloons for a party. It was so nice to have support of me being me and me doing stuff and it was nice low key no pressure hanging out to get to know each other. I was so busy that day I forgot to eat lunch and he got me a donut and coffee. I married him.Show All 29 Upvotes

TheHolyFatherOfToast • submitted a new post 4 years ago

TheHolyFatherOfToast • submitted 20 list additions 4 years ago

TheHolyFatherOfToast • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago

TheHolyFatherOfToast • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago

Was riding home with the friends group back in 2008. We stopped to drop off the one guy, and I got out to stretch. I mentioned that the stars were so much more visible up there in the mountains and he said, "Yeah, they're really pretty. Wish I had someone to watch em with." I'm a sucker for corny guys. We got married the next year and are celebrating 12 years this June.
I like sunsets - they're kind of my thing. I photograph them, have sold calendars about them. I just like sunsets. Anyway... I was participating in a medical study, and we were sequestered to our room for 14 days. The guy I liked would send me pictures of the sunset each night, because he didn't want me to miss any. Edit: To those saying "Marry Him".... I did... and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a big reason why I did. I didnt say that in my post because it turned out to be a very verbally and emotionally abusive relationship, and I left him in December. I didn't want to turn a beautiful thing into something sad and negative. I don't want to discourage anyone from falling for the sweet gestures. They aren't always attached to a manipulator. I'm sorry the update isn't entirely the happy one you wanted to hear. Believe me, it's not the one I want to be posting.
We met at a Halloween house party and when I was going to leave he walked me to the room with all the coats which also happened to be a kids room and he asked me “what color crayon would you like to write your phone number with?” I married him. Celebrated 20 years.
He came-up to me and said: "I was wondering if you could help me. I, um, seem to have lost my Congressional Medal of Honor around here somewhere."
We were classmates in college and one morning, I called him on my way to school (I lived over an hour away and we usually called and chatted while I drove) and complained about a headache. When I got to school, he was there with ibuprofen, water, and one of those yogurt parfait thingies. I also made a comment once about my eyeliner running out, and he brought one to school the next day. Found out from his brother after we started dating that he had spent like an hour at the store asking the makeup employees for the right one since he had no idea what an eyeliner pen was. We've been married for four years now and he's still a total sweetheart Edit: To clarify to those saying this could be creepy behavior, it definitely could in a different situation. I don't recommend doing this with someone you don't have a good base with. If you like to do nice things for people, don't make it seem like you expect anything in return. We already had a pretty solid friendship and he was (and still is) honestly the best friend I'd ever had. He never made any advances on me or put any pressure on our relationship. I used to wonder if he was just nice or if he actually liked me, that's how good he was at being chill! I ended up confessing my feelings to him a few months later. I come from an abusive family, so having him be there for me, listen to me, respect my boundaries, etc was mind-blowing. He's been a great partner and I'm very thankful for people like him
Last year of college for us. He'd show up after my classes and follow me around everywhere, talking incessantly. When he'd see me on campus he'd run over to say hi. I would flirt by sometimes picking a little wildflower to give to him when I saw him next that day. He'd wear it in his shirt or behind his ear. We now have 2 sons and he's taught the older one (younger is a baby) to give me little wildflowers when we're out walking together. 😀
When I was 10 I received a love letter from a boy. It contained a flower inside, and at the bottom of the letter he wrote some cheat codes for Mortal Kombat for me. He knew I was always playing that game on my Sega.
it was my first day in middle school and this kid asked to see my planner, i handed it to him and he flipped to the contact section and left me his name and number. i’ll never forget how smooth he was
I once had a guy walk up to me at a bar and said, “hello, my name is Rob and I’ll be hitting on you tonight; what can I get you to drink”. Silly, playful, and direct. We dated for about eight months. Edit: For anyone wanting to use this line, he said it in a playful way with a huge smile. 😊
Just being genuinely nice. My boyfriend was too shy to flirt with me at first since were only friends, so he texted me saying I looked really nice that day after seeing me, and it was such a simple thing but it really made my day better. And that can let the person know you are interested in them. It doesn’t need to be a big scheme.
I was walking on my university campus, tripped and dropped my books. (Heeled sandals, raised sidewalk) He asked me if I was ok, and picked up my books. He then carried my books and walked me to class. We chatted the entire walk, and when we got to my class, he asked for my phone number. I tore off a piece of paper, and wrote it, but without my name. I wanted to see if he was listening when I told him. He listened. We’ve been married over 20 years. He makes me smile every day.
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