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Fun Fan
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1 posts
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Fun Fan • commented on 30 posts 1 year ago
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Fun Fan • upvoted 10 items 1 year ago
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Fun Fan • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Fun Fan • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Delicious-Pear-No9 reply
Chernobyl. When we were small, we used to spend time on farms that my father worked on. When Chernobyl happened, there were so many dead animals and deformed baby calves and sheep that my Dad stopped taking us out to farms. Our own cow was in a calf, and my mother rubbed iodine all over the cow twice a day in the hopes of protecting the unborn calf. It worked, and the calf survived. (She still is really proud of her efforts) The fall of the Berlin Wall. The show on TV stopped, and the station went live to the Berlin Wall falling. I didn't really understand much about it, but it was the beginning of the end of the iron curtain. I remember we had a teacher bring in a piece of the Berlin Wall. It had googly eyes on it and was in a small plastic display case. The fall of communism and the lines for bread in Moscow followed by the huge queue when McDonalds first opened in Moscow. Tens of thousands of people queued in the freezing cold in Moscow to get their first taste of McDonalds. It was so extremely interesting because we knew absolutely nothing about Moscow before that there were so many stories and so much we didn't have a clue about. The IRA ceasefire marked the beginning of peace in Northern Ireland. Our teacher brought in a radio into the classroom as the IRA ceasefire was announced. It was truly amazing after 30 years of constant violence. A couple of years later, I was on my bike cycling to work when I saw General de Chastelain's convoy pass me. It was super early in the morning, and they were on their way back from visiting an IRA weapons dump. I obviously didn't know who he was, but it was really, really unusual to see such high-end cars down an isolated country road. They were in a convoy of very fancy cars, like Mercedes and rolls Royce, etc, and I ended up pulling into a gate where one of the neighbours explained who they were. I see a lot of 9/11, but I was working when it happened, and we only had access to a radio. I didn't actually know what the World Trade Centre was, I vaguely heard of a Bombing that occurred in that building in the 90s, but I thought it was just 1 building. We didn't really have access to the Internet and we had to wait until after work and go to the pub to actually see it on the news because we lived in student accommodation and no one had a TV. There was a communal TV, but we didn't have access to it. Y2K. I remember where I worked. All the checkouts got upgraded, and we closed the supermarket early for IT upgrades! Obviously, Covid.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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