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Matt Ronald Slater
Community Member

Openly gay, autistic, and ADD. Pacific Northwesterner of Scandinavian heritage. Dog Person. I like to write stories and draw cartoons. Introvert with exceptions.
I am a Geography Major (well, technically Geoscience, but I tell people geography so they don't assume Geology (Geologists rock, don't get me wrong, but that's not what I do)) in university, as well as minoring in Screenwriting and Regional Planning.
I eat pizza with ketchup. Not joking.

Boyfriend Erases Months Of Work From Girlfriend’s Whiteboard, She Struggles With What Comes Next

These 40 Hilarious Memes Prove Millennials Still Have The Best Sense Of Humor (New Pics)

“Telling A Woman No”: 30 Men Share The Unfair Biases They Experience Because Of Their Gender

Woman Floored To Get Uninvited From Wedding, Bride Manages To Make Things Worse With Unhinged Ask

Person Considers Bailing On Brother’s Wedding After He And His Fiancée's “Slap In The Face”

yParticle reply
"Best Buy" was opened with the promise of their name being a guarantee. That guarantee didn't even last a week before they walked it back. Now it's one of the worst places to purchase low-end consumer electronics. Their actual name is a lie.

Level_Bridge7683 reply
Goodwill is not a charity. they are 100% for profit with ceo and people in corporate offices raking in millions every month.

hermanshermitz reply
Playtex - as they sell feminine products, I assume must have some farce of caring about women’s health…I hope?
Their products contain chemicals banned in Europe. These chemicals leech into our reproductive systems causing fertility issues. The company donated to Trump.
They don’t care if they k**l women or prevent births to make money. .

314159265358979326 reply
A brand of ginger ale here says it's "made FROM real ginger". Ginger is the ingredient present in the smallest amount. I've made real ginger ale from real ginger and I use several times as much ginger as sugar.
I wouldn't mind if it said "made WITH real ginger".

SolutionFearless2482 reply
'You need a subscription to buy this printer ink.' Like, just let me print in peace.

groupmemberr reply
Dating apps like Hinge claim they’re ‘Designed to be deleted,’ but not because you’ve found someone…. Just out of sheer frustration with their algorithms and paywalls! It should be illegal to manipulate people’s emotions like this!

debsmooth reply
Any skincare product claiming to “visibly lift” anything. There is no physical mechanism by which anything like that could happen.

Life-Celebration-747 reply
Every fastfood/restaurant commercial on what they claim their food looks like!! Lies, all lies! .

EveningFault8 reply
Your call is important to us…
We are experiencing a higher call volume…
If it was that important, they would hire people to answer the phones.

Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Place On Earth And Why?
Oahu. I went there once for a week, and I just felt... calmer than I have ever felt in my entire life. Something about Hawaii just makes you destress automatically. Plus, it doesn't hurt that the place is beautiful.

“I Want A Divorce ASAP”: Mom’s ‘Solution’ For Gay Son Stuns Husband, Violence Ensues

Woman’s Scheme To Get Manager Fired After Discovering He’s Gay Backfires Spectacularly

Boyfriend Erases Months Of Work From Girlfriend’s Whiteboard, She Struggles With What Comes Next