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Fions Isabel B
Community Member

1 posts
14 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

Fions Isabel B • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago

Fions Isabel B • submitted a new post 4 years ago

Fions Isabel B • upvoted 4 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
This is one of the most dumbest things I got punished for. For throwing a full apple in my school's toilet. My Grade Level Lead must have mistaken me for throwing it in the bowl because 1, I did not have a single apple for my recess, 2 I did not like apples and 3, I did not trade a snack to my classmates for a apple. My mom got mad at me and I will never forget that ever again.
Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
This is one of the most dumbest things I got punished for. For throwing a full apple in my school's toilet. My Grade Level Lead must have mistaken me for throwing it in the bowl because 1, I did not have a single apple for my recess, 2 I did not like apples and 3, I did not trade a snack to my classmates for a apple. My mom got mad at me and I will never forget that ever again.
Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
In third grade I got in too for walking with my feet too close to the ground
Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
I make pride earrings for people and my teacher asked if I could make her bisexual earrings so I was like yeah totally and my dad saw me making them that night and said it was inappropriate and my teacher shouldn’t be “talking about that sort of thing” he yelled at me a lot and I gave her the earrings the next day anyway.Show All 4 Upvotes

Fions Isabel B • commented on a post 4 years ago

Fions Isabel B • submitted a new post 4 years ago

Fions Isabel B • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago

Fions Isabel B • commented on a post 4 years ago

Fions Isabel B • upvoted 4 items 4 years ago

Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
This is one of the most dumbest things I got punished for. For throwing a full apple in my school's toilet. My Grade Level Lead must have mistaken me for throwing it in the bowl because 1, I did not have a single apple for my recess, 2 I did not like apples and 3, I did not trade a snack to my classmates for a apple. My mom got mad at me and I will never forget that ever again.
Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
In third grade I got in too for walking with my feet too close to the ground
Hey Pandas, What Were The Dumbest Things You Got In Trouble For?
I make pride earrings for people and my teacher asked if I could make her bisexual earrings so I was like yeah totally and my dad saw me making them that night and said it was inappropriate and my teacher shouldn’t be “talking about that sort of thing” he yelled at me a lot and I gave her the earrings the next day anyway.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet

Fions Isabel B • 12 followers