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YouKiddingMe (hey you)
Community Member
1 posts
2.2K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted 6 items 6 months ago
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YouKiddingMe (hey you) • commented on 3 posts 6 months ago
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YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted an item 9 months ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted 2 items 11 months ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted 18 items 1 year ago
iHaveaQuestionTrans reply
100% all kitchen stuff like kitchenaids, mixing bowls, old Pyrex, old wooden spoons, Dutch ovens, ect all were better before the 90's newer items of all these things especially Pyrex are flimsy. The appliances have planned obsolescence and new Pyrex baking dishes I'm scared to even use in the oven because I've had 2 explode on me. My old ones I inherited from my grandmother never given me an issuemiss_trixie reply
this isn't 'cleaning out their home', but when my husband died a few years ago i found several notes/letters he had scattered in various places around our home, written to me in advance (he had terminal cancer & knew he was dying). some were marked 'open when you can't stop crying' 'open when the holidays are too rough' 'open when you have to put one of the cats to sleep'. they didn't contain any secrets but they are heartbreakingly beautiful.Weddings-Ruined-By-Entitled-People
A neighbor of my husband (for our reception) made rattlesnake stew, without telling anyone what the meat was. People started asking when they’d bite on tiny, little bones. I was appalled at his lack of consideration at MY wedding. This ws the same neighbor who I discovered sneaking up a hill on our property, watching us nude in the hot tub.Show All 18 Upvotes
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
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YouKiddingMe (hey you) • submitted a new post 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • commented on 3 posts 6 months ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • commented on 17 posts 1 year ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted 6 items 6 months ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted an item 9 months ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted 2 items 11 months ago
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted an item 12 months ago
iHaveaQuestionTrans reply
100% all kitchen stuff like kitchenaids, mixing bowls, old Pyrex, old wooden spoons, Dutch ovens, ect all were better before the 90's newer items of all these things especially Pyrex are flimsy. The appliances have planned obsolescence and new Pyrex baking dishes I'm scared to even use in the oven because I've had 2 explode on me. My old ones I inherited from my grandmother never given me an issue YouKiddingMe (hey you) • upvoted 9 items 1 year ago
miss_trixie reply
this isn't 'cleaning out their home', but when my husband died a few years ago i found several notes/letters he had scattered in various places around our home, written to me in advance (he had terminal cancer & knew he was dying). some were marked 'open when you can't stop crying' 'open when the holidays are too rough' 'open when you have to put one of the cats to sleep'. they didn't contain any secrets but they are heartbreakingly beautiful.Weddings-Ruined-By-Entitled-People
A neighbor of my husband (for our reception) made rattlesnake stew, without telling anyone what the meat was. People started asking when they’d bite on tiny, little bones. I was appalled at his lack of consideration at MY wedding. This ws the same neighbor who I discovered sneaking up a hill on our property, watching us nude in the hot tub.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
YouKiddingMe (hey you) • 1 follower