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Queen fhk
Community Member
Just a curious girl who wants to explore more
Friday le Blanc reply
All beaches in Sydney (Australia) are all basically topless - if you chose to go that way - and many girls sunbathe in only a bikini bottom. I was at the beach one day and heard a scream. A girl was apparently sunbathing on her back and a baby from another group, had crawled a few feet away from its mother, and latched onto the one thing that it recognised…
Professional-Ask7697 reply
Not posting pictures of our vacations while actively on them, wait till you’re home.
RyanD1211 reply
That fast food workers are dumb. Used to work in fast food and realised a good majority of the public are incredibly stupid.
Friday le Blanc reply
All beaches in Sydney (Australia) are all basically topless - if you chose to go that way - and many girls sunbathe in only a bikini bottom. I was at the beach one day and heard a scream. A girl was apparently sunbathing on her back and a baby from another group, had crawled a few feet away from its mother, and latched onto the one thing that it recognised…
Professional-Ask7697 reply
Not posting pictures of our vacations while actively on them, wait till you’re home.