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Fadi Abou Hassan- FadiToOn.
Community Member
Fadi Abou Hassan (FadiToOn) is a widely published and award-winning cartoonist currently based in Norway. He is the organizer of “Children in war,” an international cartoon exhibition focused on the suffering of children in war and conflict areas. The exhibition is produced in cooperation with the Norwegian cartoonists' Gallery, Norway 2015.His cartoons have been published in various print and online outlets, including Al-Quds (Jerusalem), Al-Arabi (London), The New Arab (London), Alroya (Muscat, Oman), Al-Seyassah (Kuwait), Amta (Norway), Samora (Norway), Numer (Norway), Samtiden (Norway), Courrier International (Paris), Le Monde (Paris), New Internationalist (Amsterdam), (Qatar), Amnesty International’s website (Denmark), and Toon pool (Germany). He also publishes his cartoons online on the Dutch website Cartoon Movement and on the French website Cartooning for Peace. FaditoOn is editor-in-chief of Cartoon Home Network International.